Approximately 70 % reconsider the purchase.Shiroka's tank -type dishwasher company release that changes the established concept of a dishwasher

By : ilikephone / On : 29/12/2022

Category: Product service

約7割の人が購入を再検討。食器洗い乾燥機の既成概念を変える、シロカのタンク式食器洗い乾燥機 企業リリース

Release issuance company: Shiroka Co., Ltd.

Now that the new colon virus has become very popular, the time spent at home has increased, and now that people's lifestyles have changed, such as working at home, school leave, shortening of restaurants, a new lifestyle called "with Corona" has been established.As we are doing, "home appliances", which solve the worries of home time, are attracting more attention.While housewife/husband/husband, what is the troublesome housework?Now that they are going to go out and working from home, many people are forced to change their lifestyle, but maybe the stress of housework in home time has increased.As a result of investigating what is troublesome in housework for people in their 20s and 50s, 1st place information source: PRTIMES This release source: https: // PrTIMES.JP/MAIN/HTML/RD/P/000000049.0000041147.html

* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.