Let's build the foundation that is active in the world by acquiring the knowledge of data science!- Waseda Weekly
In recent years, concepts such as AI (artificial intelligence), IoT, and big data are becoming common sense, and many students are concerned about the field of data science.But maybe some people don't know its importance and how to use it?In fact, if you are a Waseda student, there is a program that allows you to learn data science from the basics, regardless of your faculty or grade.This time, we interviewed Professor Toshiyasu Matsushima (Science and Technology), director of the Data Science Center, about the importance of data science and how to use the Waseda University Data Science Center.In addition, the voices of the students in the data science class and the award -winning students of the contest hosted by the Data Science Center are also posted.Why don't you look into the world of data science a little?
▼ What is data science?What can you do at the Data Science Center?▼ Students teach!Points of data science class courses ▼ Voice of first graders who won the idea contest
データ科学センター 所長/理工学術院 教授松嶋 敏泰(まつしま・としやす)
We believe that data science is "science of decision -making".Precise analysis using data analysis allows excellent decision -making.Similarly, the results can be further evaluated by data analysis to further increase the accuracy of decision -making.In other words, data science is a logical decision -making science from data (facts) and a human knowledge creation process that leads to new theories.
These methods that use quantitative analysis for decision -making are not really brand new.Shigenobu Okuma, the founder of Waseda University, advocated the importance of statistical data since the Meiji era, and worked hard to establish a Japanese statistics system.It can be said that data science is at the root of Waseda University's learning.
A major change in data science is that the development of information processing technology has made it possible to easily collect, accumulate and analyze so -called big data, so -called big data.State -of -the -art data science, which handles big data, will play a role in evolving human intellectual activities in the future.
As I mentioned at the beginning, data science is a study to make better decisions.From now on, it may be an era in which the daily decisions of what to eat for lunch, as well as important decision -making for politics and business, will rely on data.The area where data science is useful is not only in natural science but also in social science and humanities, and it is now an essential skill that all students should acquire.
Data science is important to take advantage of the expertise learned by students
Waseda University aims to be an educational institution that fosters "global leaders" that leads not only in Japan but also in the world.If you don't rely on the leader's decision -making, you may lead society in the wrong direction.As a global leader in the future, data science is an essential field to apply the knowledge you have learned at university in society.
New technology development using data science, such as AI -equipped cleaning robots and translation sites, is already in many fields.In the future, data science knowledge will be applied in various scenes, such as nursing care and medical practice.You may hear the discussion that "AI deprives human occupations", but in fact, it is expected that the work in which AI and computers are responsible for and the work in which humans carry it will proceed.It will be done.In order to understand such a future, it is necessary to understand what "learning is useful for decision -making".
The Data Science Center aims to provide platforms to combine the knowledge obtained in each specialty area of humanities and science and the latest data science, taking advantage of the strengths of Waseda University, a general university.In other words, students and teachers in all fields are aiming for a hub function for utilizing data science.For example, a student majoring in psychology conducted a questionnaire survey to 100 people in field work, but did not know how to handle data.In such a case, you can advise you to analyze the acquired data.In addition to the university, the door is open not only on campus, but also outside the university, and joint research projects and educational programs in collaboration with domestic and overseas companies and universities are being promoted.
The Data Science Center offers a group of "Data Science Education Programs" installed at the Global Education Center (GEC).The feature is that you can take a full -on demand, and taking this subject will be the first step in using it.In addition to the "theory" of data science, you can learn "skills" for actually handling data, and aim for a level that can be applied in your own specialty.
After that, we will provide individual support and consulting on data science research for fourth -year and graduate students who belong to the lab and seminar.In addition, students who have started full -fledged research since the doctoral program also support the interdisciplinary joint research projects and support.At any stage, the Data Science Center is a horizontal skewer, which is a cross -sectional function.Therefore, it is important not only to learn data science but also to increase your expertise.
The "Data Science Certification System" is a unique system unique to Waseda University, which was set up to present a clear goal when students take the data science education program.Four levels (classes) are prepared to guarantee their data science abilities for students in all faculties and graduate schools.A certificate will be issued to students who have taken program subjects and meets the requirements of each class.Many students want to use this system to enhance their skills in data science and use them for their career formation.
You may be asked for a data science skill in job hunting, and you may see students who are in a hurry from the third grade.Rather, I would like you to take a data science education program from the first and second graders and first touch on the fun of data science.Some students avoid data science because they are not good at mathematics, but do not worry because they design literacy and beginner subjects so that they can easily work even if they are not good.
Data science is a "meta science" that can be used across all disciplines, that is, a new science perspective that overlooks all research areas.Use your knowledge of data science to enhance your strengths in your specialty.We also hold the "Data Science Idea Contest" (for all faculties for all faculties) and "data science conspetation" (for all faculties and graduate students) for students who want to learn more deeply.
Interview / sentence: Kenichi Marumo
"3rd Waseda University Data Science Competition" is looking for viewers!In this competition, data analysis utilizing open data from a multifaceted perspective is implemented with the theme of "SDGs x data science".We compete for the newness and effectiveness of data analysis based on the report of the analysis results.Click here for details.
[Date] December 4, 2021 (Saturday) Online [Deadline for viewer recruitment] November 30, 2021 (Tuesday)
「データ科学入門」履修学生:社会科学部3年 倉持 七海(くらもち・ななみ)
In the spring of 2021, we attended "Introduction to Data Science" and "Introduction to Data Science Beta" (GEC installation subject).The statistical class I took before was interesting, so I decided to learn data science in earnest.
Both classes were a full -on demand system, easy to adjust the time to study, and concentrated on time when I had time.In the "Introduction to Data Science α", as the subject name suggests, we were able to smoothly learn the "basics of data science", from the importance of data science to how to handle specific data.On the other hand, "Introduction to Data Science Beta" has increased the level and learned data science using regression analysis ( *), but it was hard to understand the content.
In such a case, the LA (Learning Assistant) system was used.Every time I finished every class, I went to the LA to talk to the LA, and I was no longer a regular (laughs).Waseda's graduate student was LA, and I was able to ask Frank rather than going to my teacher.In addition, I was told about the curriculum of the data science certification system and the content of study at graduate school.You can ask a question via WASEDAMOODLE, but I am a face -to -face faction at Math and Stat Center (MSC) on the 20th floor of Waseda Campus Building 2nd floor.I want many Waseda students to know the existence of MSC with LA who can be kind to me.
There are many friends around me who are not good at mathematics and dislike statistics, but in the present era, I often learn so -called humanities such as psychology and economics.I believe that learning not only science but also data science will be useful in the future.
In Math and Stat Center (MSC), LA may explain using a whiteboard.
第1回早稲田大学データサイエンスアイデアコンテスト 最優秀賞受賞学生:社会科学部1年 丁 博思(てい・はくし)
The 1st Waseda University Data Science Idea Contest for the first and second graders of all faculties was held online on September 10, 2021.Under the theme of "SDGs x Data Science", we competed for ideas on how to use data science on various issues in order to create sustainable future and society.On the day, 12 teams gave a presentation and received many comments from the university and sponsoring companies.
I learned about this contest in a news email from MyWaseda.I have learned SDGs in a class of the Social Sciences, and I felt very interesting.I'm still a first -year student and a beginner in data science, but I decided to do my best.
Our team's presentation theme was "Hitfod (Hope in the Face of Disaster) -Incise disaster adaptation in modern society."When a disaster occurs in various places, various data related to disaster areas, victims, and rescuers is integrated in real time, and rescue resources distribution and rescue routes so that rescue activities are smooth and efficient.We aim to enhance the strength and adaptability of disasters by proposing quickly.The idea of thinking of this idea was floods in Henan Province, China, which occurred in July 2021, but I think "disasters" are a major issue not only in China but also in Japan and the world.
The presentation also analyzed the current Hitfod issues.For example, the collaboration between the private sector and the government is important for Hitfod, but it is essential to disclose, integrate, and transmit both data information.I want to continue learning data science in order to solve these issues and realize ideas.
[Next focus notice] Released on December 6 (Monday) "Job Hunting Special (Nitori)"