#Let's be Cyber Smart (#becyberSmart): Both learn and go to a safer environment -News Central Japan
VASU JAKKAL Security, Compliance, Corporate Vice President in charge of identity
* This blog is based on the abstract translation of "#becyberSmart: When We Learn Together, We're More Together" released on October 4, US time.
2021 年はサイバーセキュリティの転換点となる年です。パンデミックが継続して新たな課題をもたらしており、攻撃者は多忙なセキュリティチームの隙を狙って新たに人間が操作するランサムウェア 1 やマルウェアを展開しているほか、Colonial Pipeline 2 や JBS Food 3 などへの攻撃のように、国家レベルでの攻撃も仕掛けてきています。ハイブリッドワークやリモートワークへの移行に伴い、セキュリティ専門家が管理し保護するエンドポイントの数も増えています。一方、脅威的な行為を行う人物は、さまざまな場面でその隙を突いてきます。セキュリティパッチの適用や、ソフトウェアおよびアプリケーションのアップデートなど、基本的なサイバーハイジーンを実践することが、シンプルに組織を強化することにつながるのです。
October is an international campaign month (CSAM: CyberSecurity Awareness Month).In his CSAM this year, we will emphasize the importance of cyber security education based on the theme of becoming a cyber -smart (#becyberSmart) because we can do it.As more employees have alternately used personal devices and company devices, it has become more important to raise awareness of cyber space.As new vulnerabilities occur, "ensuring everyone's security" is more indispensable for the success of the organization than ever.
To start Security for All, first from education
Employees are still a prey for phishing scams with a very high probability.According to the 2020 Gone PHISHING Report (2020 phishing report) created in cooperation with Terranova, it is not only a small organization that is risky.It is also clear that large -scale organizations with measures are more vulnerable.
セキュリティ専門家とその組織では、常にトレーニングと教育について検討しています。セキュリティ意識調査である The SANS 2021 のデータによると、75% 以上のセキュリティ啓蒙家が、セキュリティ意識向上に費やしている時間は半分以下であると回答しています。つまり、意識向上に向けた活動は本格的にはまだなっていないということなのです 4。パンデミック時には、調査回答者の 32% が、都度対応するセキュリティ対策についてのユーザーへの教育とサポートにかける時間が増えたと答えています 5。
For this reason, Microsoft's Security Division provides educational content, supports the organization (#becyberSmart) and learn how to secure safety in both work and home.On October 7, 2021, the 2021 Microsoft Digital Defense Report will be released.The report verifies the latest trends in cyber crimes, the security of employees working in a hybrid workplace, and countermeasures against fake information.We would like to support the entire digital ecosystem in communities around the world by combining integrated data and practical insights.
Cooperate to create a safer world
In the world of remote work and hybrid work, the tissue vulnerabilities increase unless "comprehensive security measures" are applied.Comprehensive security includes not only technology but also education.In other words, we provide the latest information on threats and educate how to protect IDs, data, devices, and home networks.That's why Microsoft has built a cyber security education site for everyone.I hope everyone will learn more.
The theme of the 2021 CyberSecurity Awarens MONTH, "We can be Cyber Smart (#betchBersmart)" is more online, from individuals to companies.It means encouraging everyone to build a safe world.
This week focuses on best practices and focuses on general cyber hygiene. First, start with the basics of strong passwords, multi -factor authentication, data backup, software regularly updating and applying all available patches. Microsoft Security provides wonderful resources on how to keep your account safe on the site, how to protect yourself from threats, and how to use passwordless. In addition, Microsoft Store conducts cyber security training for small business owners. The training covers the main topics of the high mutual -dependent parts in all businesses, such as security, compliance, identity, and device management.
You will learn how to identify messages and chat from strangers or people who are not involved in normal work (executives with chies, purchasing orders, etc.).This year, Microsoft has been a sponsor of his Gone PHISHING TOURNAMENT sponsored by Terranova, and has summarized the guidelines for how to protect yourself from fishing.This tournament is a free cyber security event held every year for security and risk management leaders.
The National Initiative for CyberseCurity Education (NICE (NICE), a national initiative for cyber security education) will carry out a week campaign to find a career in the cyber security field. Microsoft is actively working on students, retired servants, those who are aiming for reemployment, and even those who are interested in this field, which is the most important in the 21st century. This week, Microsoft Security will participate in the first Microsoft Student Summit: S2. S2 is his three -day virtual skill event and supports job hunting for higher education institutions. The event aims to help students learn from Microsoft's executive, delve into the latest Microsoft Technology, improve their skills and increase their attention. 。 In addition, the environment has been prepared to make it easier to acquire Microsoft's certification, and Microsoft Fundamentals certified qualifications focusing on Azure Data, security, identity and compliance, Power platform, etc., a 4 -hour test -testing live session that supports the certification of certified tests. It will be held every day.
Ensuring diversity with cyber security can lead to great opportunities. Currently, the ratio of women in the cyber security field is only 24 %. In other words, it is necessary to have more efforts to consider girls and women to consider going to various fields of cyber security. That's why Microsoft Security has linked to Girl Security. Girl Security is working on a new approach to build cyber security human resources that reflect nations, communities, and humanity. Microsoft Security and Girl Security are open source curriculum designed to support adolescent girls, adult women, and sexual minorities, and share the knowledge they have learned. We will show the actual role model and work to make them interested in missions and demand skills according to the purpose of cyber security. This week, we plan to announce further efforts on education, so please check the security blog and the latest information here.
This is to conduct cyber security training when employees join the company and provide the tools needed to maintain safety.When connecting to the individual, when connecting to the Internet, we call for cyber security first at home and at work.Always take into account security and privacy settings, and move to passwordless so that you can sign in as much as possible without password.This week, Brett Arsenult, the highest information security officer of Microsoft (CISO), will introduce the best practice of hybridwork.Also, I would be grateful if you could see all the special articles of this week and consider cyber security first.
Click here for security -related information that can be accessed at any time
Microsoft's comprehensive security approach is beyond end -to -end security solutions, providing education and best practices so that customers can use technology safely. In addition, he will release 2021 Microsoft Digital Defense Report on our site for free online for a safer online experience. This report is a highly downloaded material among the reports created by Microsoft Security. This month, we will publish a blog post full of detailed information and useful tips in line with the theme of each week of the 2021 cyber security awareness month. To access various resources, such as training and qualifications, please see the Microsoft Security Cyber Security Cognitive Recognition Improvement Education Page.
For more information about Microsoft security solutions, see this page.Also, bookmark the security blog and check for security information about security.@Msftsecurity also provides the latest news and latest information on cyber security, so I hope you can follow it.
1 人間が操作するランサムウェアの根絶に向けた対策ガイド: 第 1 段 – マイクロソフトセキュリティ 検知対策チーム – 2021 年 9 月 20 日2 ハッカーが不正アクセスによって入手したパスワードで Colonial Pipeline に侵入 – Bloomberg Cybersecurity – William Turton および Kartikay Mehrotra – 2021 年 6 月 4 日3 食肉業大手の JBS、サイバー攻撃への対処に身代金 1100 万ドルを支払う – BBC News – 2021 年 6 月 10 日4 人にまつわるサイバーリスクの管理 2021 年セキュリティ意識レポート – SANS Security Awareness – 2021 年5 コロナ禍における情報セキュリティ専門家 – Microsoft 365 セキュリティおよびコンプライアンスユーザー調査 – Sarah Tian および Yonatan Dubinsky – 4 月 24 日より
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Tags: Cloud Computing, Digital Transformation, Economic Recovery, Microsoft 365, Security, Skilling, Trust, Workstyle Innovation (AI)