A guide for buyers with new CTV terms | Digiday [Japanese version]

By : ilikephone / On : 24/10/2022

Recently, the way viewers consume content have changed dramatically.The average US home has 11 devices connected to the Internet.More than 40 % of consumers stream content every day using connected TV (CTV) devices, and 77 % of households are considered a CTV household.Nevertheless, linear TV still exists as a reasonable channel for consuming media.The brand needs to change the strategy in preparation for digital and linear convergence in order to optimize the campaign as efficiently as possible.

A few years ago, it seemed that the dictionary of the brand that the brand should know about connected TV was completed.However, with the rapid growth of CTV, the number of terms and new nuances that buyers should understand to determine strategic and highly profitable budget allocation have increased significantly.

Before you see the new terms here, let's first solve the common misunderstanding."CTV" and "Smart TV" are not synonyms.All smart TVs have Internet jacks.On the other hand, all types of TV that can stream digital videos meet the conditions as CTV.All smart TVs are connected to the Internet, but TVs that can stream content from devices such as Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV, and video game consoles are also "connected".

Now, let's explain the terms that buyers need to know in the context of today's CTV.

About consumption model

Video -on -demand (VOD) is an interactive TV technology that consumers can watch streaming content in real time, download programs, and watch later.Consumers can access this program and content through multiple networks.Regarding CTV, it is necessary to understand the following four major VOD formats.


In order to make the most of the budget, brands need to make thoroughness so that ads do not attract consumers.At the same time, publishers need to make thoroughness so as not to be bored by repeating the same ads.This is why functions such as freak ency. capaging and competition separation are important.

Identity and targeting

Marketers and publishers provide accurate IDs and targeting solutions, requiring technology platforms that enable smart targeting and measurements throughout the device.

Consideration of cross screen campaigns

The cross screen campaign allows the brand to reach the same viewer on both television and digital on a single biper, and obtain meaningful analysis and insights to understand performance.Such campaigns are essential for large -scale reach to major audiences in a way that can be measured by buyers.

As the terms of CTV and their definitions (and all elements) have changed, new terms and concepts they represent will continue to appear in the future.As CTV grows more and more attention to viewers, marketers and advertisers are expanding their ways to reach viewers.There is one certain thing in all of that.That is, the dictionary needed by marketers and advertisers is getting bigger.

[Original text: a BUYER'S GUIDE TO NEW CTV Terminology]

Written by XANDR EMEA Video Market Development Officer Austin Scott