COVIDDEEP-AI app that detects COVID-19 with a smart watch

By : ilikephone / On : 08/01/2023

    Each time the waves of COVID-19 trend arrive, the provision of PCR tests has not been able to keep up with demand, and it has been tight.With a large -scale and repeated alternative, wearable devices and AI methods are attracting attention as a promising approach.Coviddeep, an app from the University of Printon University, has a function to predict new colonovirus infection within a few minutes by combining questions about health and data from a smart watch sensor.

    CovidDeep – スマートウォッチでCOVID-19を検出するAIアプリ

    IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics reports the development and verification status of CovidDeep.The app integrates the heartbeat, skin temperature, galvanic skin reaction (the phenomenon that the skin flows through the skin due to the moisture of the skin), the blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and the symptom questionnaire (shortness of breath, cough, fever, etc.).Predict the possibility of virus infection.The team has passed the pilot test in Northern Italy 98.It has been confirmed that infection can be detected with 1%accuracy.

    Coviddeep's technology has been licensed out of "Neutigers" launched by Professor Niraj Jha, a professor at the University of Princeton University.Later, a large -scale exam in France has been verified, and medical institutions in the United States and Algeria have been tested for staff for staff.Currently, development is continuing to make it compatible with Samsung/Fitbit/Apple's smartwatch.According to IGNAZIO Marino, who was in charge of collecting clinical data in an interview with the University of Princeton, "there is a limit to the accuracy of rapid inspection at home, and our method may be much better than a quick antigen test."Was said.

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      前の記事Teladoc x Amazon -「Teladoc on Alexa」の提供を開始次の記事アイルランド – 1000万ユーロのALS研究を立ち上げTOKYO analytica analyticaはデータサイエンスと臨床医学に強力なバックグラウンドを有し、健康増進の追求を目的とした技術開発と科学的エビデンス構築を主導するソーシャルベンチャーです。The Medical AI Timesにおける記事執筆は、循環器内科・心臓血管外科・救命救急科・小児科・泌尿器科などの現役医師およびライフサイエンス研究者らが中心となって行い、下記2名の医師が監修しています。1. 岡本 将輝信州大学医学部卒(MD)、東京大学大学院専門職学位課程修了(MPH)、東京大学大学院医学系研究科博士課程修了(PhD)、英University College London(UCL)科学修士課程最優等修了(MSc with distinction)。UCL visiting researcher、日本学術振興会特別研究員を経て、現在は米マサチューセッツ総合病院研究員、ハーバードメディカルスクール・インストラクター。他に、SBI大学院大学客員准教授、東京大学特任研究員など。専門はメディカルデータサイエンス。2. 杉野 智啓防衛医科大学校卒(MD)。大学病院、米メリーランド州対テロ救助部隊を経て、現在は都内市中病院に勤務。専門は泌尿器科学、がん治療、バイオテロ傷病者の診断・治療、緩和ケアおよび訪問診療。泌尿器科専門医、日本体育協会認定スポーツドクター。RELATED ARTICLES

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