[I understand in detail] Constitutional Democratic Party National Election 2021
Edano representative resigns
On November 12, the Constitutional Democratic Party held the General Meeting of Both House of Representatives and accepted Yukio Edano.
両院議員総会の冒頭、衆議院選挙で議席を減らした責任をとって辞任する意向を表明していた枝野代表があいさつしました。Mr. Edano said, "I have been able to do what I can do for about the past year, but I am sorry that many colleagues could not come to this place in the lower house election."
On the other hand, "I don't think we have denied what we aimed for. My election tactics and party operations were short of power. We always won the government under the new representative and aim for us.I want you to make a unity and proceed to create a society. "
And at the general meeting, Mr. Eno's resignation was officially approved.
Participants and others will participate in the representative elections that decide the successor, will be notified on November 19, voting by members of the parliament on the 30th, and selecting new representatives in addition to voting results such as party members.I decided.
With full specifications of representative election
The constitutional Democratic Party's representative election will be competed by voting by members of the party, as well as the official candidate for the national election, local council members, and party members and supporters.Voting is converted into points and tabulated.
▽ 140 parliamentarians in the House of Representatives are 286 points per person, and 286 points are currently being assigned to the official candidate for the six national elections.
In addition, 143 points are assigned to more than 1200 local council members nationwide, and the same 143 points are also assigned to party members and supporters, and points are allocated to candidates in the so -called dental method according to the number of votes.
Of the total 572 points, candidates who have won the majority will be selected as new representatives.
Voting will be held by the parliamentary and official candidates, and will be sent through mail or the Internet in advance on November 29, a temporary party tournament on November 30, on November 29.
If there is no candidate to get a majority point, the top two will be finalized.
The final voting is 333 points in total, with 2 points per person in parliament, 1 point per person for official candidates, and 1 point per person to representatives of each prefectural federation.
Four candidates
The constitutional Democratic Party's representative election will be announced on the 19th, and four members of the Democratic Party were founded in the order of the notification in order of the former Prime Minister of the Prime Minister, the Vice Chair of Ogawa, the Diet, and the president of the Izumi / Political Affairs Survey, and the former Deputy Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.The election campaign has started for the voting vote on the 30th of this month, over the rebuilding and the way of collaboration with the Communist Party.
During the election period, street speeches and discussions in Sapporo, Fukuoka, and Yokohama are also planned, and it is expected that the discussions will be exchanged over the re -establishment of the party who reduced the seats in the lower house election and the way of collaboration with the Communist Party.。
It is expected that the discussion will be exchanged over the voting votes on the 30th of this month, over the rebuilding of the party and the way of collaboration with the Communist Party.
Mr. Seiji Osaka "I want to stand at the top of the trusted constitutional Democratic Party"
The rally of the Osaka camp was held in the Diet at 10:30 am, and about 20 members of the Diet attended.
In this, Mr. Osaka said, "This election will be a policy discussion that will show each other's policies and further enhance the next new constitutional Democratic Party, rather than a discussion for conflicts.You are. "
Then, "I would like to discuss the policy and party management based on the experience of having been in practical work for 24 years in 38 years of working life, and to take the lead in the Constitutional Democratic Party, which is useful and trusted by the people."I stated my determination.
What is Seiji Osaka?
Seiji Osaka is 62 years old, winning the 8th ward of Hokkaido, the lower house.He worked as a staff member in Niseko, Hokkaido, and in 1994, he was 35 years old in the mayoral election for the first time in the mayoral election, and served for the third term and 11 years.In the mayor era, we established the “Basic Ordinance of Town Development”, which is based on “information disclosure” and “residents participation”.In the 2005 House of Representatives election, the Democratic Party at the time ran for the first time as a proportional representative.In the Democratic government, he served as assistant to the Prime Minister.Four years ago, the Democratic Party I belonged divided.He did not participate in the party of hope, but ran independently in the lower house election immediately afterwards.After that, the Constitutional Democratic Party before the merger with the former Democratic Party of the National Democratic Party served as chairman of the government.He is interested in IT and manages sleep time and steps with smart watches.My hobbies are music appreciation, and I especially like Bob Dylan, a singer -songwriter who won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Recruitment of Mr. Osaka
Recruitment of Mr. Osakaは20人です。衆議院議員が7人、参議院議員が13人、選挙対策本部長は、近藤昭一衆議院議員です。近藤氏が会長を務める党内最大のグループ「サンクチュアリ」のメンバーが中心です。自治労や日教組など労働組合の支援を受ける議員もいます。また、逢坂氏が会長を務める党の北海道連所属の議員も含まれています。(衆議院議員7人)石川香織、大築紅葉、近藤昭一、堤かなめ、道下大樹、山岡達丸、柚木道義(参議院議員13人)有田芳生、江崎孝、小沢雅仁、勝部賢志、岸真紀子、斎藤嘉隆、田島麻衣子、那谷屋正義、白眞勲、鉢呂吉雄、水岡俊一、森屋隆、吉田忠智
Junya Ogawa "I want to fulfill my responsibilities as the next generation"
小川陣営の出陣式には、選挙対策本部長を務める野田国義参議院議員や、みずからの立候補を断念し、小川氏の支持に回った大串博志役員室長らおよそ20人が出席しました。Ogawa stated, "We have renewed our determination to fulfill their role as a spokesperson, as if they had one light of hope and bright sunshine in Japanese politics."
He said, "I would like to re -establish the constitutional Democratic Party, recognize it as a recipient of the administration, and to take responsibility for the next generation to create a new era."
What is Junya Ogawa?
Junya Ogawa is a 50 -year -old election of the lower house Kagawa 1 ward.After working as the former Ministry of Home Affairs and the current Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, he challenged the lower house election in 2003 from the Democratic Party, but was defeated.Two years later, he was elected to be a proportional representative in the lower house election, and won the seat for the first time.In the Democratic government, he served as a general affairs officer.Just before the lower house election four years ago, the Democratic Party, who belonged, divided and participated in the desired party.After that, I was independent and participated in the Constitutional Democratic Party last September.In the previous lower house election, the battle with the current ministers of the Liberal Democratic Party attracted attention nationwide, and for the first time in 12 years, he won the seats in a small constituency.Ogawa, on the other hand, was released last year, a documentary film that pursued his political activities was released and became a hot topic.My hobby is baseball that continued to high school.When I still have time, I am participating in practice games sponsored by my alma mater.
Ogawa's recommender
Ogawa's recommenderは25人です。衆議院議員が21人、参議院議員が4人、選挙対策本部長は、野田国義・参議院議員です。野田・元総理大臣のグループ「花斉会」、若手中心のグループ「直諌の会」のメンバーなどが含まれています。泉氏の支持を確認した旧国民民主党出身者中心のグループ「自誓会」の会長、階猛氏も名前を連ねています。(衆議院議員21人)青柳陽一郎、伊藤俊輔、稲富修二、大串博志、奥野総一郎、落合貴之、鎌田さゆり、菊田真紀子、源馬謙太郎、近藤和也、桜井周、階猛、白石洋一、鈴木庸介、田嶋要、手塚仁雄、寺田学、中島克仁、中谷一馬、谷田川元、湯原俊二(参議院議員4人)小西洋之、塩村文夏、長浜博行、野田国義
Kenta Izumi "Self -reflection and everyone has a party reform."
泉政務調査会長の陣営の出陣式には、およそ30人の国会議員らが出席しました。At the start ceremony, Izumi Izumi said, "Now that the baton is given to the new generation, I want to create a constitutional Democratic Party that is loved and trusted by the people.We will make the party more leap as a political party that will close and solve the people who feel it. "
"The government is a political party that actively drafts policies while clarifying that there is a different path in neoliberalism, without reducing government monitoring abilities, and challenges the debate in the way of economic policies and Japanese politics.Let's appeal more and more. "
What is Kenta Izumi?
Kenta Izumi is 47 years old, eight wins selected in the 3rd ward of Kyoto in the lower house.After working as a secretary of Tetsuro Fukuyama, who is currently the secretary -general, he was won at the age of 29 in the Democratic Party at the time in the 2003 lower house election.In the Democratic government, he served as the Cabinet Officer.Immediately before the lower house election four years ago, the Democratic Party, who had belonged, divided and ran for the party of hope launched by Governor Koike of Tokyo.Later, he served as a key position of the former Democratic Party of the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party and the chairman of the political affairs, and participated in the merger with the Constitutional Democratic Party last September, and ran for the national election.My hobby is baseball that continued to high school.After vaccinating the new Corona vaccine, he posted on SNS, "I feel like I got a dead ball on my left shoulder."The time you spend with the rabbit you have at home in Kyoto is a healing of your heart.
Izumi's recommendation
Izumi's recommendationは25人です。衆議院議員が18人、参議院議員が7人、選挙対策本部長は、田名部匡代参議院議員です。このうち10人は、泉氏と同じ合流前の旧国民民主党出身です。泉氏が会長を務めるグループ「新政権研究会」や、小沢一郎氏が率いるグループのメンバーに加え、若手中心のグループ「直諌の会」のメンバーが含まれています。また、Ogawa's recommenderの階猛氏が会長を務める「自誓会」のメンバーも名を連ねています。(衆議院議員18人)青山大人、荒井優、井坂信彦、神津健、後藤祐一、佐藤公治、篠原豪、下条みつ、末次精一、末松義規、徳永久志、野間健、福田昭夫、馬淵澄夫、森田俊和、山田勝彦、山井和則、吉田統彦(参議院議員7人)木戸口英司、古賀之士、田名部匡代、羽田次郎、牧山ひろえ、森本真治、横澤高徳
Tomonami Nishimura "With all my might to make a reliable political party"
西村智奈美・元厚生労働副大臣の陣営の決起集会には、支持する国会議員や地方議員らおよそ40人が集まりました。Mr. Nishimura stated, "I will do my best to do my best to make the constitutional Democratic Party as the first opposition party at the forefront, and to make it a political party that can be trusted by voters again."rice field.
Then, "I do not do flashy performance and popularity policies. I want to make use of my own characteristics and change the current situation one by one with a sense of responsibility.I want to go again. "
What is Tominami Nishimura?
Tomonami Nishimura is 54 years old, six wins selected in the Niigata 1 ward of the lower house.After working as a member of the Niigata Prefectural Assembly, she ran for the first time in the Democratic Party at the time in the 2003 lower house election.The Democratic government was the Deputy Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Foreign Affairs Officer.Four years ago, when the Democratic Party, which had belonged, divided, he participated in the Constitutional Democratic Party, which was established just before the lower house election, without joining the party of hope.The party has served as the director of the Gender Equality Promotion Headquarters, and has appealed for women's political participation and gender equality.My husband is Nao Honda, a former member of the House of Representatives.He was 70 cm tall and was in high school and in college.In addition, from the experience of studying in Thailand and the United Kingdom, I am fluent in Thai and English, and I sometimes buy ingredients in Tsukiji and make Thai food.
Nishimura's recommender
Nishimura's recommenderは20人です。衆議院議員が12人、参議院議員が8人、選挙対策本部長は、阿部知子衆議院議員です。女性が7人で、4陣営の中で最も多くなっています。みずからが所属する、菅・元総理大臣のグループ「国のかたち研究会」のメンバーが中心で、逢坂氏を擁立した「サンクチュアリ」のメンバーも含まれています。(衆議院議員12人)阿部知子、大河原雅子、岡本章子、菅直人、小山展弘、篠原孝、中川正春、森山浩行、山崎誠、吉田晴美、早稲田夕季、渡辺創(参議院議員8人)石川大我、石垣のり子、石橋通宏、打越さく良、川田龍平、熊谷裕人、杉尾秀哉、真山勇一
Future schedule
The constitutional Democratic Party's representative election, announced on the 19th, will be voted at the extraordinary party tournament on the 30th of this month after a 11 -day election campaign.
In this election, local council members, party members and supporters will also be voted, and during the election period, street speeches and discussions will be held in Sapporo, Fukuoka, and Yokohama.
On the other hand, online rallys will be held on the 20th, with online, on the 20th, to be used online to prevent new colonovirus infection.
On the 22nd, a discussion of Japan Press Club is scheduled.
Voting will be made in advance on the mailing or Internet for local council members, members and supporters, and will be closed on the 29th.
On the 30th, a temporary party tournament will be held at a hotel in Tokyo, and the candidate will give a last speech and appeal to support.
Then, after the results of the voting of local council members and party members and supporters are reported, members of parliament and official candidates for the national election will be voted, and a new representative will be selected on the spot.