Google, Chrome's third -party cookie abolition is postponed.Late 2023 -IMPRESS WATCH
Google will postpone the full support of the third -party cookie in the Chrome browser until late 2023.Initially, it was gradually finished by 2022, but it was about one year postponed.
A part of the "Privacy Sandbox," which is replaced with third -party cookies and examines new methods that function for advertisers and publishers while maintaining anonymity.Third Party Cookie is used for efficient advertising displays across multiple sites across multiple sites.On the other hand, there is also a concern that online behavior will be tracked by technology companies.
Google has promoted privacy sandbox initiative and verifies alternative technologies such as Floc (co -hortz generated by coordinating machine learning).
Initially, he was aiming for the end of the third party Cookie in 2022, but he said, "I need more time to promote the entire ecosystem as a whole."Various proposals have been made in alternative technology, but will be postponed due to further discussions, coordination with regulatory authorities, and migration preparations.
The end is divided into two stages, stage 1 starts in late 2022.Starting when the alternative technology has been tested and the API is available in Chrome, it will encourage the publisher and advertising industry in about nine months.From the mid -2023, as stage 2, the support of the third party cookie will be gradually abolished over three months.