Hulu, a "gatekeeper" beta version that can be watched by up to 8 people at the same time-AV Watch
同じ作品を最大8人で同時視聴できる「ウォッチパーティ機能(β版)」THE FLASH and all pre-existing characters and elements TM and © DC Comics. The Flash series and all related new characters and elements TM and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.On the 26th, HJ Holdings released the "gatekeeper function (beta version)" on the video distribution service Hulu, which can comment on up to 8 people in real time and watch the work at the same time. Only members can use it without extra charge.
All works posted on Hulu can be used except for live broadcast and works in the Hulu store. On January 26th, there was only a computer counterpart, but the mobile also plans to launch in the future.
"in a situation where it is difficult for many people to get together, even if they are separated, it is as if they are very close, they can enjoy their feelings while chatting in real time. You can watch the same works with family and friends who are far away, and chat with up to 8 people in real time at the same time.
対応する作品のページには「ウォッチパーティ」ボタンが表示されるルームを作成すると、アクセス用URLとルームキーが表示されるAfter the host selects the audio-visual production room, if the link and the room key are sent to the person who wants to invite, the function can be used. In the process of use, the chat window appears on the right side of the screen, so you can chat in real time while enjoying the video.