Instagram "Collaboration" started. Co-Post Stories - Impress Watch
On the 17th, Instagram set a theme for "Stories" and started testing the "Collaboration" function in Japan, which allows you to post jointly with accounts you follow each other. All domestic users can create and participate in collaborations.
Collaboration can be created in the same way as adding hashtags and stamps to Stories. On the story posting screen, select "Collaboration" from the stamp tray. After entering a theme (title), setting a co-poster from a mutual follow account and sharing it as a story will create a collaboration.
The co-poster will be notified by DM and will be able to share the post to that collaboration. If you don't want to participate in the collaboration, you can remove your account as a co-poster via DM, but you can't join again.
Creating collaborationsYou can participate in up to 20 collaborations in total, whether you create them yourself or participate in other people's collaborations. Up to 20 co-posters can be added or edited only by the co-creator. Not only your followers, but all followers of the collaboration participants can see the collaboration stories.
Like accounts and hashtags, it is also possible to follow collaborations. Followed collaborations are displayed in the stories tray at the top of the home screen. Even if the account you follow participates in a collaboration, it won't show up in your tray unless you follow the collaboration itself.
Collaboration displayed in the story tray (upper left)When you join a new collaboration, you can encourage followers to follow the collaboration. If you select "collaboration stamp" from the story posting screen, a list of collaborations you are participating in will be displayed. can be followed.
Collaboration stampWhen posting another story to a collaboration that you created or participated in, you can create a story in the usual way and select the collaboration you are participating in from "Send to" on the posting screen and share it. Stories posted in collaboration will disappear automatically after 24 hours as usual. Only stories that you have posted in collaboration will remain in the archive and can be added to story highlights.
Add Stories to Collab