International News: AFPBB NEWS China achieves "quantum transcendence" in two types of physical systems

By : ilikephone / On : 16/03/2023

[November 11 PEOPLE'S DAILY] The research team of the University of China (USTC) has recently made important progress in quantum calculation of two types of superconducting quantums and light quantums, and "Zuchongzhi----)."2)" and "Jiuzhang-2" were successful.As a result, China has become the only country in the world where the quantum super transcendence (Quantum Supremacy), which is currently the two types of physical systems, is currently in the world.

国際ニュース:AFPBB News 中国は2種類の物理システムにおいて「量子超越性」を達成

"The volume is considered to be a large dedicated calculation device that can be installed in one room."Professor Riku mainly explained the difference in intermediary, and explained that "superconducting quantum calculations mainly use superconducting materials, and light quantum calculations are mainly lightmen."