Is it dangerous to buy a car with a double loan?Solution and point for riding a car without difficulty

By : ilikephone / On : 10/01/2023

If you buy a new loan with a car loan remaining and make a new loan, you may fall into a "double loan" to repay the two loans of the old car and the new car loan at the same time.It is important to note that if you build a double loan, the monthly payment will be double, and the burden will increase.

Therefore, I will explain how to avoid double loans and how to get in a car without a loan.

Click here for how to get on a new car for an initial cost of 0 yen without having to make a loan

[Points of this article] ✔ If you buy a car with a double loan, the monthly repayment will be double. ✔ If you buy a new car with a loan, you often use over loans.Cur leasing is recommended if you switch to

What is a double loan?

A double loan is a new loan with the original loan remaining.Mainly, it is used when the previous loan and the new loan payment overlap, such as replacing a house or car.

Double loans in houses are mainly replaced, but in the case of a double loan of a car, not only simple replacements, but also the car with a loan has been scrapped.

In cases where two separate loans are assembled, it is not a double loan.For example, even if a new refrigerator loan with a personal computer loan remains, it will not be a double loan with only two loans.

Double loan precautions

There are two major precautions in double loans that buy new ones with the loan remaining.Don't think easily, "I want a new car, so let's make a new loan."

The repayment amount increases

If you build a double loan, you will simply pay two loans.

Assuming that the previous loan repayment amount is 30,000 yen per month and the new loan is 20,000 yen per month, the monthly repayment amount will increase from 30,000 yen to 50,000 yen.This is a big burden for households.In addition, reducing the repayment of the new loan to reduce the repayment burden can cause the repayment period to be prolonged and the total interest amount is high.

In the first place, there is a possibility that it will not pass the examination

When buying a car, the loan tends to be large.Originally, even if you borrow such expensive loans and try to make a new next loan, you may not be able to pass the screening.

In addition, just because the screening is uneasy does not hide a certain borrowing.When receiving a loan screening, you can always check the borrowing status of other companies.Even if you receive a screening without declaration, if you look it up, you will understand it, and you will not be able to do it.Let's declare honestly.

How to buy a new car other than a double loan

Double loan has a large risk and may not be able to pass the screening in the first place.So, if you have a car with a loan, how do you buy a new one?Here are three methods.

Pay off the first loan

If you can pay off your originally assembled loans, you won't have to build a double loan.If you can pay off with savings or the originally you have been riding, get rid of the first loan and get the next loan screening.

If you make a loan, interest will be charged in addition to the borrowing amount.If you have the money you can return, there is no merit of keeping a loan.

Add the remaining debt of the previous loan to the new loan

There is also a way to add the remaining debt of the previous loan to the loan for buying a new car.This method is called an "overlone" because it can borrow more than the price of the car you buy.

If you build an over loan, the payment will not be double.In addition, as a result, the repayment period of the old loan is also extended, so it is more likely that the monthly repayment amount will be lower than the double loan.

Example) If the loan remaining bonds of the previous car are 800,000 yen, and the new car borrowing is 2 million yen

・ Repay the loan of the car in front of the double loan and the newly buying car loan (2 losers, 800,000 yen+2 million yen)

Overlone Borrow 2.8 million yen as a loan of a new car to buy, and pay off the loan of the previous car (1 loan is 2.8 million yen)

Use a summary loan

In addition to the loan of the car that was originally riding, there is also a method called a summary loan that allows you to unify all loans, such as card loans and free loans.

If there are multiple borrowing, it is difficult to manage the repayment date alone, so it is an advantage that it can be summarized.However, summary loans are generally not recommended because they are often higher than car loans.

It depends on the screening, but if you put together a lump -sum loan, and make a car loan over loan, you may be able to avoid the disadvantages of interest rates.

Click here for how to ride a new car easier than replacement

Procedure to buy a new car with an over loan

If you buy a car that remains even if you sell it, it is convenient to use an overlone.Here, we will introduce the procedure for replacing a car with an overlone.

1.Receive the sale assessment of old cars

First, let's get the sale assessment of the car you are riding.If you can pay off the loan with the sale amount, you do not need to make an overlone in the first place.Also, even if you can't pay off, knowing the shortage will tell you how to add it to a new loan.

In addition, even if the car in the previous car is scrapped, we recommend that you check it because you may be able to get a price by purchasing or trade -in cars.

2.Check if an over loan can be used

Whether an overlone can be used depends on the provisions of each loan.If you want an over loan, consult a dealer or financial institution in advance.

If you plan to make a loan with a dealer loan through a dealer, check the provisions of the bank you plan to borrow if you use a bank or other private car loan.

3.Sale of old cars and loan contract procedures

Once the old car is sold and the amount of the overlone is confirmed, the sale procedure and the loan contract procedure will be performed.If you sell old cars, make a loan contract, and purchase a new car through the same store, follow the procedures according to the guidance of the dealer.


On the other hand, if you ask another vendor, you need to be careful in the order of the procedure.If you sell an old car before a loan contract, you may not be able to make an overlone.Please proceed while consulting with a loan or a financial institution.


Finally, a new car will be delivered and the procedure will be completed.After that, we will proceed with monthly repayment according to the fixed repayment amount when the overlone is assembled.

Where can I apply for an over loan?

Car overlones do not accept anywhere.Adding the borrowing amount of the previous loan and lending is a risky act for the lending side.Therefore, there are cases where it is not handled in the first place.

If you want to use an overlone, start by checking if it can be used.

Automotive store

Some automotive dealers have their strengths in the ability to overlone.

If you can sell old cars, buy new cars, and make a loan contract at the same store, the procedure will be smooth and you will not have to consider the timing of sale.If you want to simplify the procedure for replacement, look for a dealer where you can overlone.


Some bank loans are compatible with over loans.

Bank's private car loans are often lower than dealer loans that are assembled through car dealers.Therefore, overlones, which tend to be expensive, can easily reduce the amount of payment.However, there is a difficulty that it takes time because you have to do the procedure separately from the sale or purchase of a car.

Points to note over loan

Over loan is a system that reduces the burden over the double loan and replaces the car.However, it does not mean that an overlone can buy a new car with confidence.

Here are some precautions when using overlones.

The screening tends to be severe

Overlones tend to be expensive because they add the remaining debt of the previous loan to make a loan.In addition, if you buy a new car with a full loan, the borrowing may be higher than the price of the car.

If the borrowing amount increases, the screening will be severe, so be careful if you have anxiety factor such as credit information.We recommend that you consult the person in charge first.

Borrowing balance is hard to decrease

The initial double loan and over -loan borrowed balance is basically the same, only by the difference between two loans or unified.

But the repayment of the previous loan ends before the new loan repayment.Double loan has a large monthly repayment burden, but can end the repayment quickly, so the amount of interest paid is reduced.

On the other hand, it is important to note that overlones, which can afford the repayment amount, are less likely to decrease their borrowed balance and have a lot of interest.

The procedure is complicated

When you make an over loan, you need to do the following three procedures in parallel.

These procedures are a hassle of just one.Since there are multiple documents that must be prepared, there is a difficulty that the procedure is difficult.In particular, if you are difficult to go to government offices on weekdays, or if you do not have time to go to a dealer or bank, etc., you need to consider the trouble of procedures.

No loan is required for simple procedures!Click here for how to transfer to a new car for an initial cost of 0 yen

Double loan and over loan repayment simulation

Here, let's simulate the monthly repayment amount when you have a double loan and over loan.The interest rate is 4 % for the loan of the previous car or the new car loan, and there is no bonus payment.

・ Borrow 3 million yen in the previous car loan with a 7 -year loan and repay 41,006 yen per month

・ Scheduled to borrow 2 million yen for new car loans with a 5 -year loan

Under the above conditions, let's consider if the loan remaining bonds in the previous car are 600,000 yen.

・ In the case of a double loan, the double loan pays the repayment amount of each loan in double.The new car loan will repay 36,833 yen per month, so you must repay "41,006 yen +36,833 yen = 77,839 yen" every month.

・ In the case of over -loan, the overlone will add 600,000 yen remaining in the previous car to the new car loan of 2 million yen, and a loan of 2.6 million yen.In the case of a 5 -year loan, the monthly repayment amount is "47,882 yen", which can be reduced by about 30,000 yen than the double loan.

Documents required to replace a car with an over loan

If you buy a new car with an over -loan, you need to perform both the car purchase procedure and the overlone contract procedure.Here are some examples of the necessary documents for each.

Documents required for purchasing a car

If you buy a regular car, you need the following documents.Of these, those with "○" can be prepared at the dealer.However, the actual necessary documents also depend on the content of the procedure.For details, check at the store that performs the purchase procedure.

・ Seal registration certificate ・ Garage certificate ○ Car verification ○ Liability insurance certificate ○ Delegation

In addition, when replacing a car, you must also prepare the following documents required for sale.

・ Seal registration certificate ・ Car verification of old car ・ Old car liability insurance certificate ・ Old car car tax payment certificate ・ Recycling ticket ○ Power of attorney

Documents required for over loans

The documents required to use overlones are as follows.However, the necessary documents vary depending on the dealer and financial institution.Let's check the required documents in advance.

How to transfer without a new loan

The way to change cars is not just a loan.If you can switch without a new loan, you will not have to build a double loan or over loan.Review how to ride a car so that you can always break away from your loan.

Here, we will introduce car leasing that can ride a new car without a loan.

No loan required!Car lease that can ride a new car only for monthly lease charges

Car leasing is a service that allows you to ride a car just by paying a monthly lease fee.Car leasing is a way to rent a car from a lease company, so you don't have to make a loan.You can change cars without borrowing.

Cur leases also include taxes and liability insurance premiums in monthly lease fees.Household management is easy because you do not need to prepare car maintenance costs separately.

Car leasing does not interest, no bonus payment, no down payment

Car leasing is not a loan, so it does not have interest rates.As a result, you will save you the trouble of searching for a low interest rate, such as when buying a car loan.

In addition, since the fee for the lease company is included in the monthly fee from the beginning, it will not be incurred other than a fixed lease fee.In general, there is no down payment or bonus payment, and there is no need for initial costs, so it is recommended for those who want to reduce the burden on the household budget and get in the car.

Just return the car when the contract period expires

Cur lease sets a lease period in advance at the time of contract.After the contract expires, all procedures can be completed to complete all procedures to the leasing company to the leasing company, so you can save any hassle, such as selling cars, scrapping, and settlement of loan remaining debt.

The cheapest in Japan!*A flat -rate Calmo -kun that can ride a new car from the 10,000 yen range per month

Curlease's flat -rate Carmo -kun is the cheapest*car lease in Japan.The lease fee starts at the 10,000 yen range per month, and of course there is no down payment, initial cost, or bonus payment.Here are three attractions of flat -rate Calmo -kun, which can reduce the burden on households.

* Among the Japan Automotive Lease Association Allied Federation, the monthly fee is the best in Japan in the service that leases new cars to individuals with completely fixed amount (no down payment, no bonus payment, closed end contract).Low price (July 13, 2021, survey of Stellaasocier Co., Ltd.)

Achieves a low price with two ideas

The flat -rate Calmo -kun has a very low price by making two ideas.

・ Cost -cut flat -rate Carmo -kun can complete all procedures from application to delivery by online and mailing only online.You don't have to go to the store, so even busy people can start a new car without any hassle.

・ Cur lease for a wide range of contracts from 1 to 11 years can reduce the monthly fee as the contract period becomes longer.The number of years that can be contracted varies depending on the lease company, but in the case of flat -rate Carmo -kun, from the 1st year to the longest car lease industry (March 2020, a flat -rate Carmo -kun survey), it is hope for one year.You can choose the period to do.

You can choose a new car from a wide range of options

The flat -rate Calmo -kun handles all domestic models and cars of all grades.In addition, you can select colors and options, so you can choose a car of your favorite specifications as if you buy a car.

Because it can be narrowed down from the manufacturer, body type, price range, popular order, etc., it is easy to compare the cars that are concerned, and you will be able to choose a car without compromise.

Click here for a new car that you can ride with a flat -rate Calo -kun

You can get a car for 500 yen a month!The screening results can also be checked in advance

Car leasing usually returns the car and ends the contract, but with a flat -rate Carmo -kun, we have an option to get a car at the end of the lease period with a contract of 7 years or more.You can get a car only for an optional fee of 500 yen monthly, and there is no additional charge at the end of the lease period.

It is also possible to receive a "trial examination" that allows you to confirm the results of the examination in advance.Before this agreement, you can cancel, so if you are worried, why not check it out?

If you switch with a loan remaining, it is recommended to have a less burden.

Building a double loan when replacing a car is not very real because the repayment amount is too high.In addition, overlones have the drawback that the total payment is high.Therefore, if you are worried about how to make a loan, consider a car lease that can be switched without a loan in the first place.

With car leasing, the monthly payments may be lower than the loan, so you may be able to pay in parallel even if the remaining bonds of the previous car remain.It is also recommended for those who want to transfer with a small burden because no initial cost is required.

The flat -rate Calmo -kun is the cheapest in Japan*You can ride a variety of new cars at a monthly fee.The maintenance plan included in the monthly fee is also substantial, so you will be able to send a car life with a variety of burden.

Click here if you want to know more about the maintenance plan

* Among the Japan Automotive Lease Association Allied Federation, the monthly fee is the best in Japan in the service that leases new cars to individuals with completely fixed amount (no down payment, no bonus payment, closed end contract).Low price (July 13, 2021, survey of Stellaasocier Co., Ltd.)

* By March 15, 2022, you have applied from this link page and then have a contract (the contract date is possible after the period).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: If you buy a new car with a loan, will it be a double loan?

A: If you pass the screening, you can make a double loan, but there are disadvantages that the monthly burden will increase.If the loan remains even if you sell the previous car, it is common to use an "overlone" that includes the remaining debt on the next car loan.

Q2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of overlone?

A: The advantage of the overlone is that you can buy a car without paying off the original loan.Even if it is difficult to prepare a large amount of money, you can buy a car by using an overlone.On the other hand, there are also disadvantages such as the addition of the original loan, the strict screening, and the amount of interest paid.

Q3: Is there a way to ride a new car without a loan?

A: If you use a car lease, you can get on a fixed monthly price without a loan.Since the initial cost is unnecessary, it will be easy to use even if you are worried about your funds.Furthermore, if you are a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can get a car at the end of the contract period.

* Information in this article is produced with information as of October 2021.