lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Windows 10 Checklist to smooth the operation of PC
The speed of the computer decreases over time.
Of course, the aging of hardware is due to aging, but the most common cause is the OS maintenance.
So, let's clean up your computer.
Windows clean installation is a drastic option.If you remove the stacked junk and refresh, the speed will be fast and smooth.
But you don't have to perform such a bold procedure.You can get almost the same results just by spending a little time to clean up Windows.
Well, you may not be able to play AAA games on a laptop five years ago, but if you do the next thing, it will improve significantly.
The following is the ultimate checklist to clean up a Windows computer.
table of contents
1. Delete unused software
2. Run anti -virus
3. Clean up the disc
4. Defrag the hard drive
5. Delete old driver
6. Update the startup list
7. Clean up the AppData folder
8. Delete old program files
9. Registry cleaning
10. Clean up all cache
1. Delete unused software
Let's start with something obvious.
The first step to a clean computer is to delete all old software that are no longer used.
If you are not a "type to delete frequently," you will be surprised that there are too many unnecessary things on your computer.
コンピューター上のすべてのアプリを表示するには、「スタート > 設定> アプリ > アプリと機能」に移動します。
Scroll down the list and click Uninstall for unnecessary ones.
It should be noted that you don't just remove the software just because you don't remember, but first make sure to search for Google and delete it.
2. Run anti -virus
Next, execute the virus software.
One of the causes of slow computers is a virus, so execution of antiviruses helps clean up Windows computers.
The procedure for running the scan depends on the app, but find a full scan, deep scan, or similar option.
Such scanning takes time, but it is certain that there is no oversight.
It is also worth downloading Malwarebytes.The main purpose is to protect users from the latest Trojan, backdoor, adware, and spyware rather than viruses.
For more information, see the Top 10 Lists in the Best Wirth App.
3. Clean up the disc
Windows 10 offers disk cleanup tools.
This has been a part of the Windows OS for many years and is effective in cleanup and performance of unnecessary files.
ディスククリーンアップを実行するには、「スタート」メニューにアプリの名前を入力するか、「コントロールパネル > 管理ツール > ディスククリーンアップ」に移動します。
Before executing the scan, click "Cleanup of System File".
This allows the app to check the old Windows Update files and log files to execute a thorough scan.
You can usually delete all files detected by scan.Turn on the check box next to the results of each type and click "OK".
However, if you use the "Cleanup of System File" options to select a cleanup of previous Windows installation, you will not be able to roll back to the previous version of Windows.
4. Defrag the hard drive
Windows 10 executes the disk defragmentation when it is determined that it is necessary.
However, this time we are doing thorough cleaning of computers, so we recommend that you do it manually.
ドライブのデフラグメンテーションと最適化ドライブツールは、検索を実行するか、「コントロールパネル > 管理ツール」に移動して見つけることができます。
To use this app, highlight the primary hard drive and click "Optimization" in the lower right corner of the window.
5. Delete old driver
Windows holds an old driver.The reason is that the new driver does not work as expected.
However, the computer may be full of device drivers that have stopped using it long ago.
There are two simple ways to delete an old driver from a computer: command prompts and environment variables.Click here for more information about deleting old drivers from Windows.
6. Update the startup list
If you are a veteran Windows user, you know that Windows is much more delayed than Mac OS, Chrome OS, and Linux in that the startup time is slow.
Usually, this problem is caused by the number of programs launched when Windows first starts.Most of these will not be necessary.
To clean up a startup list, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and select Task Manager.Click "Details" in the new window and select the "Startup" tab at the top of the screen.
Now you can see all apps that Windows tries to run at startup.To disable the app, highlight the relevant line and click "Disable".
7. Cleanup ofapdata folder
When you uninstall the app, the debris may be seen in the computer.One of the most common places is the AppData folder.
By default, this folder is hidden.This can be found by entering C: \ users \ [username] \ appdata or a % appdata % in Windows Search.
In the main folder, there are three subfolders, Local, LOCALLOW, and Roaming.Check all three folders and find traces of old software.Again, do not delete anything if the safety cannot be confirmed.
There is a way to use a dedicated uninstaller tool to prevent such debris from the apps to be deleted in the future.
One of the best is Geekunstaller.This wonderful app is one of the "mast items" of a free computer maintenance tool.
8. Delete old program files
Another place where there are traces of old app files is the program file folder.
Most computers have two program file folders.They can be searched by C: \ Program Files and C: \ Program Files (X86).
Like the AppData folder, carefully examine the contents of each folder and delete the unused files and folders.
9. Registry cleaning
For the registry cleaner, a horror story is available.Excessive aggressive things may lighten the computer lightly.
However, it is important to organize the registry.
Think of it as a library.The bigger the library, the more time it takes to find what you are looking for.
Similarly, the more unnecessary things in the registry, the more time it takes to find the entry that needs Windows.
It's not so difficult to solve the problem yourself.
Execute the REGEDIT search and press the Enter key.Next, go to Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software and Computer \ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software.
Slowly investigate the list in each folder and delete the unused software entry.
There is one warning.
Deleting the wrong registry entry can have a significant impact on the system.Before continuing, please back up your registry data.
10. Clean up all cache
Windows10 is full of cache.Simply put, a cache is a non -permanent file that Windows may need again in the future.
But what if Windows doesn't need cache anymore?The hard drive is still accumulated.
In another article in MakeUseof, I introduced some hidden Windows cache and explained how to clean up individually.
It takes a while to process everything, but it is worth spending that time.
How to clean up your computer?
Introduced important procedures for cleaning the OS.If you execute all 10, you will definitely improve the performance.
Of course, there are other ways to speed up your computer.
For example, you can upgrade hardware, but it is expensive for those who are not familiar with computers.
And it's not always worth it.
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Source: Malwarebytes, Geekunstaller
Original Article: How to Clean Your Windows Computer: The Ultimate CHECKLIST by MakeUseof