lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Windows 10 What is "Safe Mode"?| Thorough explanation of how to use
It is no exaggeration to say that Windows performance is still bad, despite the winner of the desktop OS market.
It is a crash, a terrible bug after the update, and the OS that is most likely to be affected by malware.
However, Windows continues to introduce a number of free tools that are useful when Windows runs away in order to deal with this situation.Windows safe mode is one of these tools.
So what is safe mode?And what kind of work do you actually do?
Let's look at it this time.
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What is "Safe Mode" in Windows 10?
Safe mode is a method of launching Windows10 OS with only the minimum required drivers and functions, unlike the normal operation of all ordinary drivers and apps.
The reason for using safe mode, that is, the reason for using the system with a limited number of apps and drivers is that if the problem is solved in safe mode, the basic setting of the OS is not the cause of Windows crashed.That's it.
When it becomes clear, you can narrow down the random crashes and stops of Windows.
When you enter the safe mode on your PC, a black background with "Safe mode" will be displayed on the entire desktop screen.
There are four types of Windows 10 safe mode.I will briefly explain each function.
1.Minimum (minimal)
As the name suggests, the minimum safe mode settings are launched Windows using the minimum driver and program, but contains the standard Windows GUI.
The keyboard and mouse work normally, but the display driver is turned off while you are in safe mode, so the view of the display is not optimal.
2.Alternate shell
Safe mode starts without a GUI, but instead needs to be used a lot of command prompts.Needless to say, you need to fully learn the CMD command in advance.
However, it is OK even if you are still learning.If you use this basic Windows command, you can do it.
With this setting, you can access machine -specific information such as hardware models.
In addition to the minimum driver that can be used in safe mode, the driver and program required for the network are also launched in safe mode.
What should I use Windows 10 safe mode?
I read this article so far, and I think the knowledge about safe mode has increased a lot, but there is still one question that remains.That time, when should we actually use safe mode?
One obvious thing is that a safe mode is needed when something does not work properly on a PC.
But how do you judge that the safe mode is an appropriate solution in the problem, not the other apps in the Windows toolbox?
Safe mode is useful when Windows 10 cannot be launched for some reason.In this case, an automatic repair screen may be displayed.
At this point, the method of entering the safe mode is as follows.
- 「詳細オプション」→「スタートアップ設定」→「再起動」を選択します。
- 次の画面で、いくつかのオプションから選択するように求められるので、「セーフモードを有効にする」を選択します。
- マシンやWindowsのバージョンによっては、ほんの少し異なるオプションが表示されるかもしれませんが、本質的な内容は同じです。
In this case, the Windows app will continue to crash or freeze, even if the OS starts properly, not a startup problem.
You may be faced with various types of errors, such as a blue screen, a program refusing to start up, or the system is extremely slow.
In such a case, starting in safe mode makes it easier to identify the cause.
What you can do in safe mode
After launching Windows 10 in safe mode, you can do various operations and return the system to normal.
Here are some of the specific operations.
● Restore the system
This is a free tool that allows you to return your PC when everything is successful.
However, if the app continues to crash, it may be difficult to perform restoring properly.In that case, it is useful to start Windows in safe mode and then restore the system.
● Malware scan
Some types of malware are difficult to detect or delete even with high -quality virus measures due to continuous execution in the background.
If you enable safe mode, you can execute malware scan without such interference.
● Remove a problematic app
A specific app may cause the system unstable and cause any kind of problem.
By launching Windows in safe mode, you can narrow down the app that causes the problem.If the problem is not solved in safe mode, it may be another problem, such as a driver problem.
How to use Windows 10 safe mode
Therefore, there are many ways to select Windows 10 in safe mode.For that, see this article (English).
However, this article focuses only the easiest way to understand.Start with the following steps.
- スタートメニューの検索バーに「msconfig」と入力し、「最も一致する検索結果」を選択して「システム構成」アプリを開きます。
- 「ブート」タブの「ブートオプション」で、「セーフブート」オプションをオンにします。 これで、次回の再起動後にPCがセーフモードで起動するようになります。
Note that there are multiple options that can be selected from below the "Safe Boot" tab.
Now, select "Minimal" settings.Next, select "Apply" → "OK".
Then, a pop -up for restarting is displayed.Before restarting, be sure to save all files and documents.
Let's master Windows 10 "Safe Mode"
That's it.
The Windows Safe Mode is a convenient utility in the PC repair tool box, which helps find and solve various Windows bugs and errors without much trouble.
I would be grateful if you could deepen your understanding of Windows Safe mode in this article.
However, there are many free tools in Windows environments that can compete with most paid apps, so there are still many things you need to know.
Original Article: What is Safe Mode in Windows 10? By Makeuseof