A bright spot for Pebble fans? Fitbit acquires yet another smartwatch maker
Are you serious about developing a smartwatch?
Whether it's the iPhone or the iPad, Apple is a latecomer to the already existing smartphone and tablet market, and has ignited hits from there. So, when Apple Watch enters the smartwatch market, is it a big break? It's been a long time since I was excited with such a sense of anticipation.
There's been a lot of unflattering talk about smartwatches lately. According to IDC's research report, the number of shipments decreased by 50% from the previous year, and unfortunately the market is shrinking rapidly. What surprised people most was the news that Pebble, a long-established smartwatch maker with many strong fans, had to sell itself due to financial difficulties. Many users regret the disappearance of their unique product line.
[Pebble Acquisition] Fitbit Officially Announces Pebble Acquisition
Pebble may not be dead yet. Nonetheless, Pebble was acquired by Fitbit, which is known as a fitness tracker maker rather than a smartwatch, so it is unlikely that Fitbit will take over the Pebble brand and enter the smartwatch market in earnest. But not ~.
Amid many such views, Fitbit recently announced that it will acquire Vector Watch, a new smartwatch maker. Venture Beat reports. This Vector Watch is hardly known in Japan, but it seems that it is actually attracting attention in Europe due to its fashionable and innovative performance.
Vector Watch has a development base in Romania and is headquartered in London. All of the company's models look like regular fashion watches, rather than bulky designs. Moreover, the battery is said to have a durability performance that lasts for one month after being fully charged!
Vector Watch announces this acquisition by Fitbit like this. Unlike Pebble's decision to sell Pebble, which had a somewhat tragic feeling, Vector Watch has put to the fore the development of attractive new products under the umbrella of Fitbit in the future and expectations for further growth. , It is said that it invites surprises from those involved. Eh, Fitbit acquired Pebble and then Vector Watch, and will it seriously focus on smartwatch development from now on?
Fitbit's Pebble and Vector Watch seem to have a lot in common. Both smartwatches target both Android and iOS and have long battery performance that can be used without charging for 30 days.
The future is still speculation, but if Fitbit takes on the technology assets of both sides, it would be strange if a new fusion style of a fitness tracker and a smartwatch could be completed. I don't think so. It seems that we will have to keep an eye on future Fitbit trends.
Read more: Are smartwatches dying out? What is the future seen from the struggle between Apple Watch and Pebble
image by Pebblesource: Venture Beat, Vector Watch
(Shingo Yuki)