Apple's new feature "Private Relay" has become a "problem" for telecommunications carriers.
In September 2021, when Apple released "iOS 15" for more than 1 billions of iPhones around the world, the provision of a new feature "ICLOUD Private Relay" resembled a virtual privacy network (VPN) has begun at the same time.A privacy protection tool that can only be used by paid planers of the cloud services "ICLOUD". By going through multiple services transmitted from device through multiple services, it is difficult to read the content that users are viewing online.It is a mechanism.
However, the first of the European mobile phone operators in the private relay, followed by the US T -Mobile US in the United States.
Private remelley services have become full -fledged in recent months, but many users have complained.It seems that the mobile phone operator used is restricting the use of the function.
Many of these cases included content filtering in the contract plan.For example, if a parent restricts the child's Internet access, the private relay cannot be enabled if these functions are included.
Meanwhile, in Europe, mobile phone operators Bodapone, Spanish Teleponica, France Orange, and T -Mobile in Germany have complained to the authorities for private remelley mechanisms.According to the English newspaper "Telegraph" in August 2021, mobile phone operators complained that access to metadata and network information would be disconnected due to private remires, and provided this function.He has advised the regulatory authorities that it should be banned.
The executives of European mobile phone operators sent a letter to the European Assembly, saying, "Private remires impair other companies' innovations and competition in the downstream of the digital market, and mobile phone operators efficiently manage telecommunications networks.It may have a negative effect. "Apple, in response, has returned that private relays will not hinder mobile phone operators who provide high -speed Internet communication to users.Security experts also pointed out that there is almost no evidence that private relays will cause a problem with telecommunications carriers.
VPNに似た仕組みApple's private remelley is different from VPN, which is allowed by mobile phone operators, but has similar points.At present, it is only a beta version, and only iCloud paid contractors can be used.
The purpose of a private remelley is to conceal the personal IP address or DNS record to the network operator or the website operator to be viewed.This makes it difficult for companies to create profiles that include user interests and location information.Theoretically, we try to reduce the number of targets targeted online.
For this reason, private remelley sends a web traffic sent from the user's iPhone, iPad, and Mac through two relays.This relay is also called "node".
The traffic is first sent to the first relay from Apple's web browser "Safari".This relay is called "Ingress Proxy" and is under the control of Apple.According to Apple's materials, there are multiple different Ingress Proxy in the world and there are multiple bases.