Verizon, which is not easy even in old standards, postpon the end of the 3G service
Although it is a 5G era.
According to Light Reading, Verizon's spokesperson Kevin King said, "I don't plan to shut down at this time, and we will work with customers to shift to new technologies."I am.
Verizon plans to stop a part of the 3G network at the end of 2019 following the end of the new 3G line reception in 2018.After that, the company sent a 3G network suspension until the end of 2020, but the schedule will be even more delayed.
According to Statista, only about 5%of users use 3G networks, but the problem is that the customer lives in a remote location and rely on the old 3G network.As the carrier continues to expand the 4G LTE and the 5G network, many carriers are trying to assign a 3G bandwidth to 4G and 5G.Recently, T-Mobile (T-Mobile) has announced that a new line contract will need VoLTE activation.
According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, NTT DOCOMO announced that it will end the 3G network in March 2026, KDDI will end the 3G network in late March 2022, and in late January 2024.With the end of 3G, resources can be concentrated further to 5G, so it seems that Japan can be expected to accelerate the 5G network like the United States!