How do you sign up for the popular "ESIM" recently?In the case of "Rakuten Mobile" [April 2021] --Fav -Log by ITmedia
Recently, I often hear the word "ESIM" over my smartphone.FAV-LOG also publishes an article that explains what ESIM is in November 2020.
Among the carriers (MNOs) that build their own mobile phone networks, Rakuten Mobile is the first to support ESIM.With the current price plan "Rakuten Un-Limit VI", users can issue ESIM instead of ordinary "SIM cards".
The advantage of ESIM is that it can be used immediately after the contract procedure is completed, but there are some points to note.In this article, I will introduce the procedure to start using ESIM in Rakuten Mobile and start using it.It includes a little difficult explanation, but I hope it will be helpful for those who are interested in ESIM.
楽天モバイルのeSIMはどうすれば使える?楽天市場で詳細をチェック!If you use ESIM on Rakuten Mobile, be careful of the following points.
( * 1) If a new contract is made at the store, the clerk will perform the writing operation.In addition, some ESIM -compatible Android devices can write ESIM using the "My Rakuten Mobile" app.
オンラインで申し込んだ場合は、アクティベーションコードを表示するための端末を別に用意する必要がありますIf you apply for a new Rakuten Mobile (including MNP) online, proceed with the following procedure.In addition, it is necessary to register "Rakuten Member" to apply for Rakuten Mobile.
If you install a new contract procedure after installing the My Rakuten Mobile App on your smartphone, you can perform EKYC (identity verification by electronic method).If you proceed with EKYC, the contract procedure will be completed on the day when the procedure is completed in the shortest time, and you can download ESIM.If you just want to use ESIM anyway, we recommend that you go on your smartphone.
The following procedure is the first procedure for a new contract of Rakuten Un-Limit VI, including MNP.Users who have already contracted Rakuten Un-Limit VI may have some different procedures.
- my 楽天モバイルアプリをスマホインストールする(Android/iOS版)
- 位置情報の取得に関する許可/拒否を設定する
- 「新規お申し込み」をタップ
- 「プランを選択する」をタップ
- 必要なオプションサービスを選択する
- SIMタイプで「eSIM」を選択する
- 申し込み内容を確認したら「製品を選択する」(スマホをセットで買う場合)または「この内容で次へ進む」(eSIMのみ必要な場合)をタップする
- 購入するスマホを選択する(スマホをセットで買う場合)
- 楽天会員でログインするか、楽天会員登録を行う
- 契約者情報が正しいことを確認したら、本人確認方法を選択する
- 画面の表示に従って契約手続きを完了させる
If you confirm your identity in EKYC, you will receive an email saying "[Rakuten Mobile] ESIM Profile Download request".When this email arrives, write ESIM in the procedure described later.
If you select a way to verify your identity other than EKYC, "START GUIDE" will be mailed to the contract address after the contract is concluded.Read the QR code listed in Start Guide, complete the identity verification, and then write ESIM in the procedure described later.
スマホにmy 楽天モバイルアプリを導入して手続きをすると、eKYCを行えます。eKYCを使った場合、最短で手続き当日にeSIMのダウンロードを行えます楽天市場で詳細をチェック!The procedure for processing with a web browser such as a personal computer is basically the same as the app (no app installed).Please proceed with the application site.
However, when using a web browser, EKYC cannot be used, so it takes days to download ESIM.Please be careful.
Webブラウザでも手続き可能ですが、eKYCを利用できないのでeSIMのダウンロードまで日数を要します楽天市場で詳細をチェック!On Rakuten Mobile, you can apply for a new ESIM at Rakuten Mobile Shop (including MNP).After making a reservation on the website, bring your necessary documents and ESIM -compatible terminals to go to the store.
As mentioned earlier, the clerk will act on the writing procedure of ESIM when a new contract at the store.There is no need to prepare another device.
楽天モバイルショップでもeSIMの契約は可能ですIf you have already signed a Rakuten Un-Limit VI, you can change it from the My Rakuten Mobile app or My Rakuten Mobile website (reissue the SIM card).
The procedure (reissue) to ESIM is as follows.
- my 楽天モバイルのアプリ/Webサイトにログインする
- 「契約プラン」をタップする(アプリの場合)/横三本の棒をクリック(タップ)してメニューを開き、「my 楽天モバイル」を展開して「契約プラン」をクリック(タップ)する(Webサイトの場合)
- 「各種手続き」をクリック(タップ)する
- 「SIM交換」をクリック(タップ)する
- 「SIM交換・再発行の理由」を選択する
- SIMタイプで「eSIM」を選択する
- 「再発行する」をクリック(タップ)する
When the switching (reissue) procedure is completed, the SIM card / SIM card you are currently using will be disabled immediately.If you are using ESIM, delete the old ESIM card from the terminal.
When you are ready to download ESIM, you will receive an email saying "[Rakuten Mobile] ESIM Profile Download request".When this email arrives, write ESIM in the procedure described later.
既存ユーザーは、SIMカードの再発行手続きでeSIMに移行できます。既にeSIMを使っている場合も、再発行手続きで別のeSIM端末へ移行できます楽天市場で詳細をチェック!When you are ready to issue ESIM, write the ESIM to the terminal.As mentioned earlier, you need to write ESIM yourself, except for the procedure at the store.Please note that the procedure to be written depends on the terminal.
If you make a new contract with MNP, you need to complete the "transfer procedure" before writing (opening).This time, the explanation of the transfer procedure will be omitted.
Except for some Android devices, ESIM reads and writes the activation code displayed using another device.The code display method is as follows.
- my 楽天モバイルのアプリ/Webサイトにログインする
- 横三本の棒をタップ(クリック)する(※2)
- 「申し込み履歴」をタップする(アプリの場合)/「my 楽天モバイル」を展開して「申し込み履歴」をクリック(タップ)する(Webサイトの場合)
- 「eSIMプロファイルダウンロード準備完了」になっている「申込番号」をクリック(タップ)する
- 「開通手続きをする」をクリック(タップ)する
- アクティベーションコードが画面上に表示される
( * 2) In the case of a new contract (including MNP), the application history may be displayed on the top screen.In that case, click (tap) the application number for the history.
In the case of an Android device that allows you to write ESIM from the app, the eSIM writing process starts after the fifth procedure.Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the writing.
eSIMの(再)発行の準備ができている旨を表示している申込番号をクリック(タップ)しますIn the case of iPhone and iPad, write the ESIM in the following procedure with the activation code displayed on another terminal.
- 設定を開く
- 「モバイル通信」をタップ
- 「モバイル通信プランを追加」をタップ
- アクティベーションコードを読み込む
- 「モバイル通信プランを追加」をタップ
- 書き込みの完了を待つ
- APNと音声通話の設定を行う
- 必要に応じて「機内モード」のオン/オフを行うか、再起動を実施する
In the case of an iPhone / iPad, it is necessary to set APN (data communication destination) and "Volte" (iPhone only) when communicating communication.See Rakuten Mobile website for details.
eSIM対応のiPhone/iPadでは「モバイル通信を追加」をタップするとすぐにeSIMの書き込みプロセスに入ります(画像は「iPhone SE(第2世代)」の場合)For Android devices that do not support ESIM writing from My Rakuten Mobile App, you can write ESIM using an activation code.The procedure is as follows.The item name is a Google ESIM -compatible smartphone (such as "pixel 5") (such as "pixel 5") (other manufacturers and terminals may use different expressions).
- 設定を開く
- 「モバイルネットワーク」の横にある「+」アイコンをタップ
- 「代わりにSIMをダウンロードしますか?」をタップ
- 「次へ」をタップ
- 別の端末で表示しているアクティベーションコードを読み込む
- 「有効化」をタップ
- 書き込みの完了を待つ
- 必要に応じて端末を再起動する
If you are a device that does not preset Rakuten Mobile APN, you need to set the APN yourself.For more information, please check on Rakuten Mobile website.
eSIM対応のAndroid端末の場合、iPhoneやiPadと比べるとワンクッション多くなります(画像は「Pixel 4a(5G)」の場合)Copyright © ITmedia, Inc.All Rights Reserved.