IPhone12 Pro comments on real machines: actual communication speed of 5G (2G / 7) | BRIDGE (bridging) technology & startup information
(the next-generation mobile communication standard, known as "5G" for short, could lead to confusion. For more information, please refer to the author's previous definition and the guide of the medium and high band in Luo Bond. Over the next decade, 5G will provide 10 to 100 times faster high-speed data communications than 4G, which has dominated in the past decade. It used to take 600 seconds (10 minutes), depending on the speed of the nearby 5G tower, but it only takes 60 seconds, or 6 seconds, to download. This is the first step in making 4K video streaming, composite reality and even invisible future applications possible.
All iPhone12 models are equipped with the same basic 5G hardware in each country. Qualcomm's modem "Snapdragon X55" will be launched in 2019 and will evolve into a faster, more power-efficient "x60". As a result, all iPhone12 supports low-band and intermediate-band (Sub6) 5G. The American model also supports high-band (millimeter wave) 5G. This year's model will implement multiple gigabits per second (Gbps) in a single frequency band. Next year's model will use both Sub-6 and millimeter wave 5G, which is faster. Considering how much Apple is looking forward to the launch of the 5G Magi iPhone 12 on the x55 before the x60 is available, it's unfortunate.
Two years ago, Verizon launched the world's first 5G network. Since then, many Android 5G terminals have download speeds from 1Gbps (April 2019) to 2Gbps (June 2019) and even 4Gbps (April 2020). The Verizon 5G network test conducted by the author last week and the T-Mobile 5G test this week show that few users can achieve the standard speed of 1Gbps in the 5G network.
Speedcheck.org 's "first weekend of iPhone12" speed chart shows that iPhone12 users in the United States should estimate that the average speed of 5G will be around 100 Mbps where 5G signals are available. In the author's test, the speed of the 4G region has roughly dropped to less than 40 Mbps, and only a very limited number of major cities are about 1Gbps. In the new iPhone, a 5G icon will be displayed even when you actually use a 4G network, and the download speed of each block should move up and down during walking and driving. 5G is emphasized in the promotion, but it is also important to understand the performance gap between "peak" and "average".
In the author's environment, iPhone12 Pro downlink 132 Mbps and uplink 50 Mbps in the peak period of T-Mobile network. Compared with author iPhone11 Pro testing on T-Mobile 's 4G network a year ago, downloads have increased by about 30%, while uploads have not changed. In the years before iPhone12 came out, the author also intermittently experienced this 4G speed which is similar to the performance of "5G".
In short, iPhone12 has the 5G features needed to succeed, but whether the promise of the 5G standard can be fulfilled depends on the operator. Until then, the proportion of times to achieve faster communication speeds than 100 Mbps will be the biggest change for users. It is necessary to pay attention to whether it is really successful. (next)
[via VentureBeat] @ VentureBeat
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