Emergency calls that cannot be reported on iPhone, 4 mobile phones announced in iOS 15.2 (ITMEDIA NEWS) --Yahoo! News
5コメント5件iPhone 13 (from the official website)
NTTドコモ、KDDI、ソフトバンク、楽天モバイルの携帯キャリア4社は12月16日までに、iPhoneシリーズで発生していた、eSIMの設定次第で緊急通報できない問題が14日deliveryのiOS 15.It was announced that it was resolved in 2.[Image] DOCOMO's guidance companies guide users to check if the call function can be used without any problems after the OS update.If you do not update, we are calling for reviewing the SIM settings.When using two lines in the ESIM compatible model, there was a problem that could not be urgently reported if the SIM for data communication was set for mobile data communication.The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said that this does not correspond to the technical and impairment itself, but in October, the iPhone 11 -iPhone 13, the iPhone SE (second generation), the iPhone XS, etc. are summarized on cases such as non -conformity to technical standards in October.It was posted.