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Facebook, the world's largest SNS based on real name registration system.While it is useful for interacting with acquaintances and contacting classmates, there is also the risk of being used by criminals for the outflow and action trends of themselves and family photos.In addition, there are many things to be aware of when using Facebook, such as the fact that there are malware aiming for Facebook.In this article, we will explain the dangers of Facebook and the precautions when using it safely.
Features of Facebook
In 2006, Facebook, an SNS operated by Facebook, USA, released services for general users.Later, the Japanese version started in 2008, and the number of users increased in Japan.The number of active users (MAU) in global is used worldwide, reaching 2.6 billion as of April 2020.The biggest feature of Facebook is that it uses a real name registration system.While many other SNS such as Twitter and Instagram allow anonymous, Facebook is based on real name registration and requires registration of personal information such as origin or work (how much to register in detail).Can be selected).
According to the "Survey on Usage and Information Behavior of Information and Communications Media" published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Institute of Information and Communications, Facebook is used next to LINE among users in their 30s and 60s in Japan.I know I'm there.And since there is a high trend of people who are acquainted in real places, there are more posts such as status reports than other SNS.Since the user group is classified by the attributes of the company, school, etc., it is easy for acquaintances and friends to find it, and there is a function that lets you inform you common acquaintances with your connected friends, making it easier to connect.It seems to be related to the fact that these design philosophy was initially created to support networking in the university premises.
Facebook danger
Facebook is highly convenient, but there is also the risk of its characteristics.The following are the following:
Outflow of photos of myself and family
On Facebook, you can easily upload photos, but you should not inadvertently upload yourself and family photos.This is because photos can be leaked and various things can be abused.In Facebook, the public range can be set for each post, but if the setting is "public (all people including Facebook users)", the public range cannot be controlled by itself, so it is found by an unspecified number of users.There is a possibility that it will be lost.
The criminal uses the tendency of their own movements and actions
*1 デジタルカメラやスマホ搭載のカメラで撮影した写真データに埋め込まれている撮影時の情報のこと。撮影日時や撮影場所をはじめ、カメラの機種や撮影時の設定情報などが保存される。
Unauthorized use of accounts
If your Facebook ID and password are stolen and your third party is hijacked, you may be abused by crimes.There is a column that allows you to enter your email address in the registration information, but if you register the same thing as the ID, you can easily guess it, which increases the risk of being hijacked.In the unlikely event that an account is hijacked, you may not only send a spam message to your friend's account, but also cause malicious damage, such as deceiving himself and working on fraud.
You will know the necessary information on other sites
The information posted on Facebook may be abused to break through the "secret information" of other sites.It is a method of guessing the answer to secret questions from the hometown, hobbies, and posts registered on Facebook.If a secret question breaks through, you may be logged in to other sites, such as online banking, and may be financially damaged.This method is called social engineering.
特集クラッカーの常とう手段、ソーシャル・エンジニアリングとはThe existence of malware aimed at Facebook
Against the backdrop of the number of users, the number of malware aimed at Facebook is increasing.It is especially important to note that it is infected via Facebook messenger.Around the summer of 2020, there were many cases in which accounts were hijacked by clicking a video URL with the title "You are in this video" as shown in the image below.
Figure 1: Message sent "This video is you"
Other clicks on the URL in the message have confirmed that they are induced to a site that installs malware or disguised the Facebook plug -in.
偽のGIF動画作成プラグインによるFacebookへの新たな脅威Facebook dangerから身を守るためには
Here are some of the pitfalls, dangerous Facebooks, and points to be aware of when using them.
Enable two -step authentication
Two -stage authentication is a certification that uses another means such as SMS in addition to the password.By enabling the two -step authentication provided on Facebook, illegal login can be prevented even if the ID and password are stolen.As a first step in improving security levels, such as preventing account hijacking, it should be quickly responded.The setting is possible by selecting two -stage authentication from the "Security and Login" menu.
Figure 2: Two -stage authentication can be set from the "Security and Login" menu
Feel free to upload your own face photos
Note that if you upload your own face photo with a light feeling, the photos may be abused.It may be used for use when creating a fake account and used for collage.In particular, women need to be careful, and there are many cases where they are abused to create fake accounts on matching apps and dating sites.
Pay attention to the public range
For private posting, you should set the open range appropriately.You can set up your status in detail, such as friends who are close to friends, so you should review the settings once before posting extremely private content.
Do not send location information unnecessarily
Facebook messenger for smartphones has a function to send location information in real time.If you turn on this, all users connected as friends will reveal your home position and your current location.It is important to turn it off, and if you need it and turn it on, be sure to switch off afterwards.
Do not register your profile more finely than necessary
By minimizing the description of the profile, the risk of the answer to a secret question is reduced by a third party.In particular, if you are known for your date of birth and address, you may be able to break through the identity verification of banks and be damaged.I would like to review the registration information again and consider whether each registration information is revealed to a third party.
Do not click the URL in the message or post
Like email, it's important not to click the URLs sent by message or the URLs in posts.As mentioned earlier, there are malware that sends messages indiscriminately to spread infections, so I want to avoid clicking URL unconditionally, even if the message sent from a close person.
Be careful of spam apps
Many users are registered with a Facebook account for various apps and web services.However, when registering, I want to make sure that the app and the web service are safe.
In addition, there are some things that are safe at the time of registration turn into dangerous things over time.It is possible that spamed apps may lead to spam posts from user accounts or thefor of personal information.I would like to review it regularly and delete it except for the continuous use.
Be careful of writing to your friend's post and manners in photos
When you leave a comment on the post, please have a privacy perspective.For example, when commenting on a friend's post, he does not write personal information that is not public about his friend.Even if the commenter does not think that it is personal information, the contributor may be considered as personal information.In particular, in the case of the organizations, addresses, and participating circles, care must be taken because their views are likely to be different.
Also, posting and tagging photos that your friends are reflected should be done after obtaining the permission of the other person.Thinking about whether your actions on SNS do not violate the other party's privacy are now in an era of acting as a manner on SNS.
Improving literacy related to SNS is important
In order to protect yourself from the dangers of the use of Facebook, it is all about understanding the mechanism and setting method of Facebook.In addition to Facebook, enhancing literacy about SNS in general and protecting manners should be a help to use SNS as a communication tool in the future.Regarding SNS literacy, we explain in detail in "SNS is dangerous!??
Including Facebook, SNS is now closely related to business, as well as improving the quality of life.While being forced to live online, the use of SNS greatly contributes to maintaining human relationships.In recent years, the number of relationships without contact in realistic places, such as sending Facebook requests after online events, is increasing.By posting on Facebook continuously, Facebook has a variety of usefulness.I would like you to pursue a safe use method without neglecting the catch -up of information such as the attack method that changes every moment according to the times.