Rakuten and Mikitani's secret of one -shot reversal "I can't say anything more" ... Up to 133.8 billion yen in the past
95コメント95件Chairman and president of Hiroshi Mikitani, who invests in Rakuten Mobile.(The photo is from February 2020).
The Rakuten Group announced on February 14, the consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending December 2021, to 133.8 billion yen, the largest deficit ever.[See all images] Rakuten Mikitani's secret strategy of one -shot reversal "I can't say anything more" ... Up to 133.8 billion yen in the past, the area development in Rakuten Mobile in the mobile phone business is continuing to pull out.ing.
"Expenditure of hundreds of millions of yen" to KDDI is a burden
On February 4, Rakuten Mobile had a 96 % population coverage of 4G areas in the 4G area, two years ahead of his initial plan. Rakuten Mobile provides services by renting a KDDI network for places where you can not area yourself, but this is a heavy burden. KDDI recorded 63.4 billion yen in the third quarter of January as a group MVNO + roaming income, but said, "Many can think of it as a roaming income from Rakuten Mobile" (KDDI Makoto Takahashi). In other words, from Rakuten Mobile to KDDI, roaming costs of tens of billions of yen are flowing. Moreover, the more Rakuten Mobile users, the more payments to KDDI will be paid, so Rakuten needs to develop areas nationwide as soon as possible. However, the nationwide expansion is going well, and the roaming area will be reduced in the future. According to Rakuten Mobile President Yoshihisa Yamada, "the first quarter of 2021 is the peak of the deficit, and will be recovered in the second quarter of 2022." NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, and SoftBank are already 99 in the 4G area with a population cover rate..It has achieved more than 99 %.Of course, 96 % of Rakuten Mobile is only a passing point, 99.It seems that 99 % is also aiming for 100 %.According to Chairman Hiroshi Mikitani, "More than 99 % will be set up on their own network. From the latter half of 99 %, they will cover the area in the space mobile plan."Mountains and the like have required enormous costs to lay the optical line up to the place when installing base stations.However, recently, there is a way to connect satellites and base stations by communication and area around the base station, which does not require that much cost.Vice President Shunsuke Yazawa, who is in charge of area maintenance on Rakuten Mobile, said, "The more you go to the region, the more you can handle the transmission route or communication capacity even if you are not necessarily thicker."
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