New core piece prevention Black customer from intelligent equipment to receive information
Electrocardiogram signals of other recently hospitalized heart disease patients who are currently using intelligent hands to assist in monitoring. This intelligent system is extremely safe, but if the health information network is used by a private person, this number can be stolen by an unauthorized agent.
Indirectly using a system or its hard-hitting secret information. During the one-type traffic attack, the black customer is able to receive the protection information that can be received from the equipment during the "excretion".
“While filming, when the person in question opened the safety box, he roared when the other party was swinging. A research student in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Computing Science (EECS), School of Science and Technology, Saurav Maji .”
There is a way to prevent some kind of unreliable attack on the current situation, so it is not possible to use the Internet (IoT) equipment for low-cost calculations.
At present, Maji and other co-workers have built a single integrated circuit core piece, which allows resistance to power supply and transmission path attacks, while simultaneously using a long distance due to conventional safety technology. The core piece is smaller than the thumb, so it can be matched to the intelligent hand table, the intelligent hand machine or the flat screen computer, and the sensor number is advanced safety device learning calculation.
“The purpose of this item is to build an integrated circuit for learning equipment that is currently in progress. Anantha Chandrakasan, Dean of the School of Engineering, Ministry of Science and Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computational Science, Professor Anantha Chandrakasan, the first author of the thesis, said, This one space.”
Since then, Utsav Banerjee, a co-author of this article, is a research student at EECS, currently an assistant professor at the Indian Institute of Science, Samuel Fuller, and a visiting scientist at the Institute of Science and Engineering in the Ministry of Hemp. Emerging research scientist of Devices. This research was published at the international solid-state conference.
Continuous calculation
The development core piece is basically a type of calculation that is called a special type of calculation. Given that the network is actually a number-advancing operation, it is a unique follow-up component that does not come first. The network is cumulative and the final result has been operated independently.
Maji name, this kind of method used, the equipment information is released every time the next city is accompanied, so what is the practical side information. However, this kind of method has been added to the calculations, due to the fact that the network is currently being operated and the demand has increased.
Because of this, the researcher has passed through a function that has been used to reduce the number of calculations required by the number of functions required. The real body of the protected neutral network has been added to the number of participants who have passed through other models. Passing through a dense group of predecessors, other companies provide more safety, and at the same time reduce the amount of content required on the core.
“Passing through this kind of special function, we can do this kind of operation at the same time, and it will have a little effect, so we can use it. , Souya accompanies other original texts.Because of this, we must make an intelligent choice to proceed with the calculation method that we choose,” Maji says.
The current safety calculation method provides a strong security guarantee, but there is a huge opening in terms of efficiency and efficiency, so it is limited to use in many applications. Investigator-provided method--Provide homologous type safety--Feasibility, low cost and quantity. Through the simple structure of the core, researchers can use the silicon core on the same safety and space, which is an important factor in the implementation of individual large and small equipment.
“Safety Issues”
Although the power supply is critically important to safety, however, the unsafe baseline for research personnel demand is 4.5 times more effective and 0.6 times more screen.
“We have to deal with safety issues at the right time. This type of calculation is added to the safety of the open quantity.”
Compared to the other party's core piece, a completely safe and hard-core security check has been completed. We are still in the process of verifying, and we have collected information about 1000 success rate waveforms from other facilities. There is a new hard disk, and after collecting 2 million waveforms immediately, there is no other law to restore this number.
The number of biomedical signals used by others has been measured and tested to ensure that other core pieces can be protected and are currently being implemented worldwide. Maji's explanation is that the core piece is very active, so it can be used as an analysis signal.
Ingrid Verbauwhede, professor of computer science, safety and industrial secrets research group, Luwen University, says: “Safety is a new innovation, performance, efficiency and expendable design. This ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) has a good local certification and safety design, and under this type of situation, the pass-through shielding method is not required. Consistent safety in the design process, extremely comprehensive random generator, -- a safe network accelerator in the background is possible.”
In the future, researchers hope to apply other methods to attack electromagnetic fields. This is a small attack and defense, due to the physical equipment that is not needed by black customers.