[Press Release] Savvis, Centurylink Technology Solutions Change the name -Cloud Watch
Press releases of the press
2014年01月22日サヴィス・コミュニケーションズ株式会社*このプレスリリースは、2014年1月21日 ルイジアナ州モンロー発のプレスリリースの抄訳です。Centurylink, incorporation.(NYSE: CTL) has announced that the company's data hosting division has changed its name to Centurylink Technology Solutions today.The brand unification of this business division and the parent company is to provide more comprehensive products and services in the collocation, managed services, cloud, and network fields.
*The company's name change of Savis Communications Co., Ltd. will be announced at a later date.
Centurylink Technology Solutions, President Jeff Von Deylen, states:"I am very pleased to change the name to Centurylink Technology Solutions. The brand with Centurylink is to further collaborate with the group of IT solutions portfolios of the group to provide customers. I am Savvis.He has been very proud of the global business development for nearly 20 years, and has also found high value in a wide range of CenturyLink leadership in the market. In the future, a comprehensive solution that contributes to the improvement of customers.We look forward to supporting the improvement of sensitivity, security, and sustainability through the provision. "
Centurylink Technology Solutions will continue to work as an independent data hosting department in Centurylink.Jeff Won Daylene is added as follows."The name will be changed, but the same team will continue to provide outstanding levels of services and experience as before."
Centurylink will continue to strengthen the cloud, collocation, managed services, and hybrid IT operations, continue to build and expand data centers, and also provide the expansion of management application suite and cloud solution innovation.
[Centurylink Technology Solutions] Centurylink Technology Solutions offers innovative management services around the world, mainly on platforms such as virtualization, dedicated, and collocation.For more information, http: // www.centurylink.Please see Com/Technology.
[About Centurylink] Centurylink is the third largest telecommunications company in the United States. In addition to providing broadband, audio, and wireless services for individuals and corporations in the United States, CenturyLink (TM) PRISM (TM) TV and DirectV brands provide advanced entertainment services. In addition, we provide data communication services, voice services, and managed services for corporate, government agencies, and hall sale customers in the US market and some international markets through high -quality advanced fiber optical networks and multiple data centers. I am. In addition, it has been evaluated as a leader in the network service market by a major research company in the technology industry, and has led the world with cloud infrastructure and host -type IT solutions for enterprise. Centurylink customers are diverse, from 500 companies in major US cities to ordinary households in rural areas. Centurylink, headquartered in Monro, Louisiana, has been selected as a S & P 500 company and a US company's leading Fortune 500 list. For more information, http: // www.centurylink.Please see COM.