SUPERMICRO Z490/WRX80 mother is BIOS updated and TPM 2.0 compatible.Windows 11 installation is possible
C9Z490-PGWの「PCH-FW Configuration」でIntel PTTが選択可能になった
CPU built-in TPM 2 in two models of the SUPERMICRO Z490 motherboard "C9Z490-PGW" and the WRX80 motherboard "M12SWA-TF" that have been reviewed in our magazine before..BIOS that can enable 0 has been distributed.
The file name is "BIOS_C9Z490-PG (W) -1b56_202109_2".0_stdsp.ZIP ", WRX80" BIOS_M12SWA-TF-1C1C1C_20210910_1.0C.ZIP ".
As previously reported, TPM 2 for installation of Windows 11.0 is an essential requirement, but as long as I have tried it, the company's old BIOS of both models cannot be used in the BIOS, and separately TPM 2..0 I needed to buy a compatible module.
両モデルともアップデート後はPC正常性チェックツールでWindows 11対応可能と出たIn addition, the README included in the C9Z490-PGW.In the procedure in TXT, I entered Uefi Shell and tried the BIOS update, so it was necessary to update Intel Me in addition to the BIOS, so it was necessary to enter the Build-in Efi Shell again after updating the BIOS, so once for that.I needed to turn off the Boot.After that, Intel Me updates are automatically performed.
On the other hand, the M12SWA-TF was completed easily when the BIOS was updated from the BMC from the web browser.I would like to recommend this method for M12SWA-TF.
Built-in EFI Shellで試したところSecure Flash Romの認証に失敗したが、筆者が試したBIOSバージョンが試用版だったかもしれないBMC経由でBIOSアップデートすればトラブルフリー