The 74th "Ochi" is done with "Ri" only young people's "words": Education and ICT ONLINE
Have you ever interacted with younger generations with messaging services such as LINE?I think there are various relationships with the other party, such as family and subordinates, but I think some people have noticed common features.It is "punctuation".
Last time, when the theme of "Uncle Connection" was the theme, I wrote that the adult generation had many punctuation, and that there were plenty of emoticons in long sentences.Adult generations who are accustomed to email exchange will be written in correct Japanese as well as writing compositions.Many people use "writing words" containing punctuation in the style of LINE and other messages.
However, in the chat -style message service, a message is sent to talk.It is similar to the sense of discussion, rather than waiting for a reply like an email.So, instead of "Which is better," it changes to words such as "Which is better?"In other words, it is "spoken language".
However, even if it becomes a sentence, it is the adult generation that tends to be written.At that time, it seems that some people have more reading points than necessary, whether they want to make it easier to convey to the other party."I went to Osaka yesterday."
There are many younger generations who send them yesterday, send them in Osaka, and send them in each phrase.Also, it is not unusual for people who write sentences without using any punctuation points, such as "I went to Osaka yesterday but sold out what I wanted to buy."Regarding the phrase point, it is not often used because it is "cold and cold" or "it is not a problem".
* 1 "Language communication for understanding (report)" (https: // www.culture.Five.JP / Koho _.html)
若者の流行語にも打ち言葉がよくランクインします。Simejiが2019年に発表した「10代女子が選ぶ 流行りの若者言葉・略語 TOP10※2」の1位は「り」です。これは「了解」を意味する言葉で、「りょ」から「り」へと省略化が進みました。5位の「あね」も「あーなるほどね」「あーそうだね」の略で、「あーね」だったのが省略されています。
* 2 "Trendy youth language and abbreviations that teenage girls choose" (https: // Simeji).Me/Simeji-Ranking/backnumber/2019_05/)
* 3 My Navi Teen's Lab "[2020] Treen Ranking selected by teens" (https: // Teenslab.MyNavi.JP/COLUMN/TRENDRANKING2020/)
At all times, young people have created their own words and have created buzzwords by using them in their friends.Increasing online exchanges has created cases where writing words evolve into a word and use the words in spoken language.The words are a phenomenon that makes you feel alive.