The occult and home appliances were connected!? The unusual dialogue between the editor -in -chief of the monthly Mu and the consumer electronics king was not Tondemo!
Home appliances and occults?It may be undeniable that it is a coupling that is difficult to imagine the contact.However, when the household electrician Tsuyoshi Nakamura and King Occult King and Hiharu Mikami met each other, a unique chemistry was born between them, and as the story deepened, the heat increased.
Tsuyoshi Nakamura, whose nickname named the Home Appliance King has become established in 2002, winning the Super Home Public Championship in the TV Champion.Started on Facebook in February 2017, more than 200 videos on the Youtube channel of the same name, while supervising the "Living Lab" (sponsored by TEPCO Energy Partner Co., Ltd.), which is now more than 140,000 followers.I'm up.Getnavi Web also cooperated in collaboration articles several times in the past.
"Mu", editor -in -chief, is the editor -in -chief, "Super Mystery Magazine, which challenges the mystery and mystery of the world," is an occult information magazine launched in 1979.Recently, it has been recognized as a top runner in the Japanese pop culture scene while showing a wide range of developments from books to apparel and fashion accessories, as well as not only paper media but also video distribution and SNS.。
Consumer electronics king and occult king.It's a unique combination.A spark -scattered talk was held to find out the contacts.
Household electricity kingはムー民だった!?
――First of all, please tell the consumer electronics king about the contact with “Mu”.
Household electricity king
Last December, there was a phenomenon called Great Conjunction ( * 1), which was featured in Mu in the past.The movement of the stars can be simulated, so you can see that this happens in XX month.Considering the Great Conjunction, the process of changing from the "era of the earth" to the "wind age" ( * 2), and in the flow from "thing" to "koto", it is now owned.I think it's overflowing with information and various things.
――そういう時代にHousehold electricity kingとしてお仕事をなさっているわけですが、普段から心がけていらっしゃることはありますか?
Household electricity king
Organize data while sleeping or in meditation.I feel like this is left to the derivative of the brain in a situation that is unconscious while listening to music, or in a situation that is a bit close to meditation.I think you can also say that you want to keep your choice criteria unconsciously.
I would like to ask the occult king, but even if I say meditation, it will be different from being just crazy, it will not be in a state of happening, and there is a very small brain to rest.If you bring it, will it be better as a meditation?
King occult
Some people say something pretty big, but the only key is breathing.The only way to control the autonomic nervous system is breathing, so if you can, you can bring the mental state, and eventually the brain waves -α waves that are concentrated.
―― I've heard that supernatural people have adopted meditation into their daily lives.
King occult
――Household electricity kingは、インプットとアウトプットのプロセッシングに瞑想的なメソッドを用いていらっしゃるようですね。ヒーリング効果についてはどうお考えでしょうか?
Household electricity king
What is home appliances that have a high affinity with meditation?
――瞑想、ヒーリングという話の流れからヨガを連想します。ヨガには「チャクラ」という概念がありますが、どういうものかKing occultから説明していただけますか。
King occult
――If there is a way to actively work on the chakra, will it be meditation?
King occult
――では、ここでHousehold electricity kingに瞑想と親和性が高そうな家電をご紹介いただきたいと思います。
Household electricity king
Now, even in home appliances, Bose sells products ( * 5) that produces masking sounds, and there are many products on the theme of sleep.Sleep here is not just about sleeping, but the purpose of resting the brain properly and functioning.There are many home appliances for such approaches.
King occult
Household electricity king
If you reset your sleep through sleep, you will have new knowledge when you wake up in the morning.Earlier, it was said that meditation is a process of pouring various things.I think it is necessary to organize the brain for the next day's input.It is important to throw away things you don't need and organize what you need.
I think it's a good idea to use home appliances such as "SmartSleep" as a support to help you have a personal experience of being interesting or feel good.Recently, this kind of home appliances that support personal experiences are increasing.Since it is the brain to judge the judgment, it may be how to improve the performance of the brain, including meditation.I feel like it will be.
Occult and home appliances affinity
--I see.By the way, how do you think about the performance of the brain?
King occult
When the alpha wave is out, it can be said to be in a state of resonating with the earth.The interesting thing is the same for sound waves, for example 7.8ヘルツの倍音で声を意識的
Returning to the story of yoga earlier, there is the idea that yoga is naturally integrated.The essence may be around here.Everyone will welcome this situation several times a day.In particular, it seems that the condition between sleeping and getting up is particularly good.It is not completely awake and is not asleep.
Household electricity king
King occult
Especially now, data is now possible with personal computers and smartphones.You can also share data with people who have nothing to do with them.That way, you'll be able to think that this is better.Even in the field of mental health, I feel great possibilities.
―― Finally, I would like to ask them about home appliances and occults.
Household electricity king
I put things that I do not understand well in one way, and call it "occult", but in fact there are many people who have experienced it.It may be a misunderstanding, but it is certain that something is happening, so when you can elucidate it, you will understand at once.
King occult
Many people have realized that their time at home has become longer.However, such a time was caused by the consequences of the corona, so it should have been a kind of stress that did not exist until a while ago.As a methodology to efficiently solve the stress that has been there and the stress peculiar to corona, why not incorporate meditation into your daily life?
Household electricity kingが紹介してくれたように、瞑想や脳内整理につながる家電もある。自分なりのやり方で、メンタルヘルスをしっかりと整えていくことも可能なのだ。全く接点がないと思われる家電とオカルトも、少し掘り下げれば親和性の高さが見えてくる。この対談の視点に立って「くらしのラボ」の動画を見ると、ひと味違った印象を受けるのではないだろうか。
The second report will be delivered soon.I want you to look forward to that too.