Try to use Amazon "Fire TV Stick" on low-speed mobile lines [free access to your Wi-Fi 's "I don't know"! ]-INTERNET Watch
The "Rakuten UN-LIMIT" of Rakuten Mobile is used this time, and the communication capacity can be used almost freely on the Lotte Antenna Road, but the au line in the partner area is 5 GB per month. If it exceeds this, it will drop to 1 Mbps.
However, if you switch to low-speed mode in advance in the setting of "my Rakuten Mobile", you can communicate all the time, even in the partner area outside the Rakuten line area, with a limit of 1 Mbps.
The speed limit is 1 Mbps when the data is exceeded, and there is also a limit of 1 Mbps for yearly mobile and UQ mobile,UQ WiMAX to use more than 10 GB in the last 3 days. In addition, in the "Gigaho" scheme used in the 30 GB range of NTT DoCoMo, the speed when the capacity exceeds the limit is also 1 Mbps.
「Rakuten UN-LIMIT」の回線では、「my楽天モバイル」のアプリやウェブページで「データ高速モード」をオフにしておくと、パートナー回線接続時に通信速度が1Mbpsに制限される代わりに通信容量が減らない。最近は、こうしたモードが他社回線でもよく見られるThis speed of 1 Mbps is actually unexpectedly used in animation (of course, the quality of the picture is subject to compromise). So far, there are many 128kbps band restrictions, everything has stopped doing with smartphones, and there is nothing to animate, but if it is a 1 Mbps limit, I think a lot of people can easily use it.
This time, let's take a look at the comfort of watching Fire TV Stick videos under this 1-Mbps limit. On the premise of the last introduction of the applied settings, please refer to the last time for details, as shown below.
- [設定]―[ディスプレイとサウンド]―[ディスプレイ]で[720p 60Hz]を選択
- [設定]―[ディスプレイとサウンド]―[色深度]で[8ビット]を選択
- [設定]―[環境設定]で[データ使用量の監視]を[オン]にする
- [ビデオ画質を設定]で[標準画質]を選択