What is Disney Plus aimed for a new brand "Star"? (1) | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi
Carroll Choi, President of Walt Disney Japan
さらに10月14日に行われた「APAC コンテンツ・ショーケース」では、日本、韓国、グレーター・チャイナ(中国、香港、台湾)などアジア太平洋地域の優秀なクリエイターたちとディズニーが手を組んだ、オリジナルのコンテンツも「スター」で配信されることが発表された。今年8月には、世界の加入者数が1億1,600万人に達するなど、ますます勢いを増すディズニープラスの今後について、Carroll Choi, President of Walt Disney Japanに話を聞いた。
Walt Disney Company, which has a solid brand power, entered the video distribution service and started Disney Plus in the United States in November 2019.From there, he has attracted fans around the world, making full use of the rich content of the five brands mentioned earlier.In addition, it will be distributed as a "star" brand, including video works obtained by the acquisition of the 20th century Fox, including the original works.
"First of all, the brand" Star "is a thing that responds to consumer needs. In countries where English is not a native language, local language content is inevitably required. However, existing brands have meaning.Consumers have expectations for the brand. That's why they are new brands called "Star", including local content, including local content created with Japanese talented creators, and provides consumers.I was going to provide more options. "
There is no doubt that the increase in content variations is a great merit for consumers, but is there no fear that the only brand power of Disney will be sparse?
"For Disney, storytelling (narrative) is in all" central ", and Disney brands value positive, hopes and happiness. In Barbank, California, where Disney's headquarters is locatedA review session is held. So, by carefully determining whether Disney fits the story and the theme of Disney, the spirit of Disney is guaranteed in the work. This is a star.The same is true for other brands such as Wars. "
Even works that do not have the theme of dreams, hopes, and happiness at first glance, the storytelling will expand how to express it.In the "Apac Content Showcase" held the other day, it was announced that Masaaki Ninomiya's comic "Gannibal", which has a shock suspense in a closed village society, will be made into a live -action drama.At first glance, it feels like a content that is far from the Disney brand, but its narrative and quality are firmly guaranteed.
"When we distribute" Star ", the most important thing is" Good Story (Great Story) ". First of all, that's the most important thing. Regarding Gannival, Not only the charm of the original, but also the scriptwriter and the director are the top people. The storytelling is also top -notch and hope that it will be a wonderful work. It is not a Disney brand but a "Star" brand. Of course, a function called parental control will be added so that families with small children can use the service with peace of mind. As you say, these works may be controversial. But this attempt has just started, so I would like to take care of the reaction of the audience and judge it, and to take care of the wonderful stories. "