When did you start to control the car? The Evolution of Electronic Control and now | Automotive Information and News WEB CARTOP

By : ilikephone / On : 29/05/2022

When did you start to control the car? The development of electronic control and now | Automotive Information and News WEB CARTOP visit our website, please enable JavaScript.

  • 自動車情報・ニュース WEB CARTOP > 自動車コラム > クルマをコンピュータが支配したのはいつから? 電子制御の進化といま
  •  TEXT: 御堀直嗣 PHOTO: WEB CARTOP/本田技研工業

    Electronic controls are embedded in all parts of the car

     The so-called electronic control refers to the mechanism that adapts to the function according to the situation through the active use of the computer and fast calculation. Before this, it can make the use of mechanical action or natural cinematography and other institutions, can be more in line with the convenient effect of people.

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    This is a picture.

     Is the fuel supply for the engine the first time it has been used in cars? Before that, he atomized gasoline with a carburetor called a carburetor. It is a device that mixes air and gasoline and sucks in the cylinder through the negative pressure produced by the movement of the piston. First of all, through mechanical fuel injection, the amount of gasoline that matches the engine speed can be intentionally supplied.

     Then there is electronically controlled fuel injection. Even if the engine speed is the same, the amount of gasoline used to burn gasoline without waste is also different due to the different operating conditions and the external air temperature. Considering the difference between the driver's operation and the external air, the air-fuel mixture can be produced by electronic control.

    This is a picture.

    NEXT PAGE cars are now electronically controlled blocks!

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    クルマをコンピュータが支配したのはいつから? 電子制御の進化といま | 自動車情報・ニュース WEB CARTOP

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