Reference documents, NTT data, etc. of "AWS FISC Safety Countermeasures Standards Reference" are released for free
10 companies participating in the FISC -compatible APN consortium composed of partner companies of Amazon Web Services (AWS) (NTT Data, SCSK, TIS, Simplex, Dentsu International Information Service, TRI Micro, NEC, Nomura Research Institute, Hitachi Manufacturing, Hitachi, Fujitsu) "" AWS FISC Safety Countermeasures Standard Reference Reference Document "has been released free of charge. Financial institutions can use this reference document as a reference information that determines whether the system built using AWS is compliant with the FISC safety measures standards. The reference documents are compatible with the 9th edition of the Financial Information Systems Center (FISC), "Financial Institutions and Computer Systems Safety Countermeasures Standards and Description Books" (FISC Safety Countermeasures Standards). In order for financial institutions to safely use cloud services, it is necessary to meet the FISC safety measures standards, but there are a wide variety of FISC safety measures, and a system built using cloud services and cloud services. The work of confirming the compliance is the load. The Consortium Participation Corporation has created a reference document in joint reference documents for the AWS response status of the FISC Safety Countermeasures Standards 9th Edition in March 2nd and the measures to be implemented by financial institutions. The document will be a reference information to determine whether the system built using AWS is compliant with the FISC safety measures standard, and at the same time, to the FISC safety measures standard so that financial institutions can grasp the cloud service support status. It shows the applicable items of third -party authentication that is the basis for compliance. As a result, the load on confirmation of the compliant can be reduced. In addition, the excerpts of the "AWS FISC Safety Countermeasures Standards Reference for Financial Institutions" created by AWS for each standard of the FISC safety measures standards, and the additional information by the same consortium for the contents. 。
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