Is the outdated court finally online with Corona's "boost"?[Legal knowledge of "front and back"]

By : ilikephone / On : 26/09/2022



Was it outdated?


[Legal knowledge of "front and back"]#122 One of the good changes caused by Corona's evil may be the penetration of telework and online conferences. Even though it is a job that can be done at home, I am shaken by the train for an hour and do it at work. In the hot summer hot, go to the meeting room of the business partner in a suit. These "common sense of working people" are becoming "outdated" in the last two years. Returned Prime Minister Kishida to former Prime Minister Abe? The court that can be said to be the representative of the "outdated" for the end of the Abenomask problem and the end of the Moritomo falsification trial may change. The Legal Council has submitted to the Minister of Justice a amendment of the Civil Procedure Code, where civil trials have changed significantly. What is outdated? First of all, it is necessary to submit a lawsuit in the case of bringing or mailing documents such as "complaint" or "petition". In addition, submission of other documents is also performed in the form of bringing / mailing, or faxing. Many people are laughing when talking about still using fax. This amendment has been allowed online to submit the petitions such as "complaint". Not only that, but also the "web conference" method for oral arguments, witness interrogations, which both parties confront in the court, and the ruling, that is, a system such as a computer connected to the Internet without actually going to the court. It seems to be the content of the revised that can be done. I thought it should be considered for more than 10 years to be online to submit documents and to perform verbal arguments at telephone or video conferences, but I finally raised my heavy waist after the corona. It is the impression. On the other hand, I think there are various problems to do witnesses online. It is not only clear whether the witness is talking about not only the content he is talking about, but also the non -language elements such as the way of speaking, the movement of the eyes and body. So I think witness interrogation can have many problems. I hope that this amendment will make Japanese justice more familiar and easier to use. (Hiroki Takahashi / Lawyer)
