「好きだったインターネットが急に敵に見える恐怖感」―― 新鋭にゃるらが「NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE」で描いたもの
2コメント2件"NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE" key visual (Steam product page)
2020年に制作が発表され、“インターネットの闇を煮詰めた育成ゲーム”として注目を集めた「NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE」が、去る1月21日にいよいよ正式リリースを迎えました(1月28日まではリリース記念で10%OFFセール中)。【ゲーム画面を見る】 同作のヒロインは、ワガママで承認欲求強めな女の子“あめちゃん”。プレイヤーはそんなあめちゃんの「ピ」(パートナーのようなものらしい)となって、あめちゃんと一緒に生活しながら、彼女を最強のインターネットエンジェル(delivery者)へと育てていくことになります。 企画・シナリオを手掛けるのは、著書に『僕はにゃるらになってしまった ~病みのインターネット~』や『承認欲求女子図鑑』などを持ち、ライター・オタクとして活動する“にゃるら”さん。なぜにゃるらさんが同作に関わることになったのか、ヒロインの属性や「delivery者育成」というテーマはどのように決まっていったのか、「承認欲求」についてどう考えているのかなど、同作やインターネットについて話を聞きました。(取材・文:文章書く彦/構成:池谷勇人)【にゃるら プロフィール】1994年生まれ。沖縄県出身。上京後に即大学を中退し、主に家でアニメや漫画・インターネットを繰り返すだけの人生をおくる。オタク。著書『僕はにゃるらになってしまった ~病みのインターネット~』(KADOKAWA; New版)、『承認欲求女子図鑑』(三才ブックス)など。
At the moment I showed the plan, "Let's do this"
―― Please introduce yourself first. Nyarura: My name is Nyarura. I usually work on Twitter and do something written. "NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE" is included in the plan and scenario. -- thank you. First of all, please tell us how this game was created. Nyarura: I showed a proposal with the producer when I said, "Let's have a tea after a long time." So I started collecting teams from there. ――When was that? Nyarura: Isn't it about June 2020? ――So, is the production period about a year and a half? Nyarura: Yes, but it took a long time to plan and pack it, so it was actually about a year. ――How did Nyarura think about this project? Nyarura: A person from another eroge company told me, "Think about the eroge plan, and if it is interesting, it will be realized." However, what I wanted to do was not a visual novel, so I decided to bring a story to someone who produces various indie games. I wanted to aim for a work with a game system that was often used in Sega Saturns and 90s games, so I thought he was suitable. ――When did you start thinking about ideas? Nyarura: It's about May because it's really just before. ―― Then, the project was really decided quickly. Nyarura: Yes, the producer said, "Let's do this" at the moment I showed a plan, and I was surprised. He called the director on the spot and said, "You're making a game." ――It's a great sense of speed. So, first of all, the story of the game looks ... this work has a strong impression of dot painting, but was this an image from the beginning? Nyarura: I wanted to do it with a dot picture from the beginning. I want to do this kind of game with some PC-98-like 4: 3 ratio games. ――Nyaru -san, you're not a dot painting generation in terms of age. Why did you want to do it with dot painting? Nyarura: I especially love Sega Saturn's gal games, and I like dot pictures of that era. So I was convinced that if I reproduced the system of that era, I should go with dot paintings. ――If you look at PVs, you can see expressions like bugs and glitches ( *), but was that in the concept from the beginning? * Grich: Noise caused by computer failures and errors. Nyarura is sometimes intentionally used not only for video games but also for art and video expressions: That's right. I was thinking of incorporating a Vaporway ( *). Also, there is a PS version "Serial Experiments Lain ( *)" in my favorite game, especially the net expression of PV used in commercials. I was conscious. * VaporWave: A music genre born in the 2010s. It has the same or more decadent visual image as the sound, and has influenced video game genres * Serial Experiments Lain: An animation broadcast on TV Tokyo in 1998. At that time, the Internet was quite advanced, and there are still many fans. The game version released in PlayStation is also famous as a "expensive software" with a premiere -the theme song is AIOBahn ( *), but was this also decided from the beginning? * AIOBahn: Music producer / DJ from the Republic of Korea. Nerura in charge of the music of this work: I feel like I was my friend about AIOBahn, but of course I knew his ability, not only because he was a friend. I thought it would be interesting to put in a game music that wasn't very relevant to the game.
次ページは:企画段階では「同級生」型の複数ヒロイン制だったPage 1/5