You can understand esoteric computer terms with this! ?? It is a topic that it is easy to understand the "commentary that compares the specifications of the PC to an old man"
670 comments 670If you misunderstand the specifications, it may be difficult to use even if you buy it (image image)
Core, storage, memory ... "Explanation of PC specs by comparing them to an old man", which explains difficult PC specs in an easy-to-understand manner, is attracting a lot of attention on SNS. I asked the poster. [Image] The memo of "Explanation of PC specs by comparing it to an old man" sent by a friend of the poster was triggered by "# The most useful PC knowledge" by designer Freedom Breakthrough (@ 594musou0). I wanted to buy a PC, but my friend sent me a screenshot saying "Explanation of PC specs like an old man" when I was worried about lack of knowledge. It's very easy to understand, so I still refer to this. I am very grateful to the person who wrote this. " An image of a memo with the following commentary is attached to the post. [About the meaning of PC terms] ・ Core → Number of uncles ・ Threads → Number of pens (Dual core 4 threads have two uncles holding pens in both hands) ・ Frequency → Speed of pen movement ・ Turbo boost → Uncle Arm speed when working overtime ・ Storage → Drawer ・ Memory → Desk size ・ Gravo → Colored pen ・ OS → Uncle's language (nationality) ・ Water-cooled PC → Invincible item that can make uncle work indefinitely
I asked the poster
It's hard to think of it when the technical terms are listed, but it's very easy to understand the relationship between the specifications and the performance of the computer.In response to Mr. Freedom's post, SNS users said, "The analogy is nice, it's very easy to understand. My uncle is also convinced." It's very easy to understand. \ (^ O ^) / "" The guy who writes "liquid cooling" and lets the old man work indefinitely in a cooler room ... I asked Mr. Freedom Breakthrough. --- Please tell us your impressions when you read this commentary, especially the points that were easy to understand. Freedom Breakthrough: "Storage → Withdrawal" part At a glance, I realized that the point was something like "the size of the storage" for storing various things such as data. I did a simple design job in addition to helping my parents' farm. Since it is difficult to accumulate data such as production software and finished products, I decided to check the capacity of the PC I plan to buy next. The rest is "frequency → speed to move the pen". In other words, I immediately understood that it was the processing speed of the PC. I was a little wondering why the word Hz (hertz) was written in PC advertisements, but I was so interested in it. I didn't have it, so when I found out, the sickness fell from my eyes. I would like to emphasize this when I buy a PC next time. Please tell us. Freedom Breakthrough: I haven't purchased the PC yet and plan to purchase it in May. I'd like to start while studying the video distribution and game commentary that I've been interested in since I was a student, so I'll use it. I'm thinking of buying a PC. Considering the recommended PC environment for video distribution / editing and playing games ... OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit Core i7 8 core 16 threads Processing speed: 3.0GHz Memory capacity: 16GB Storage: SSD Graphics: GeForce GTX 1660 and above, I'm thinking so far. I'm still inexperienced, so I'm exploring various other functions, but for the time being, I'm considering specifications like this. Please tell us your thoughts on the response of SNS. Freedom Breakthrough: I'm a little scared now. To be honest, I posted this tag as a memorandum for myself. Fortunately I had some thoughts, but I posted it with a light feeling, so I was really surprised because I didn't think there would be any reaction so far. ◇◇ In May, he bought a new computer and planned to have eight old men with pens in both hands work overtime indefinitely. Mr. Freedom Breakthrough suffered from Korona-ka, and the performance of the company he worked for deteriorated. I was forced to work unreasonably under bad conditions, and I was distressed both physically and mentally, so I would like to retire from time to time, and while engaging in farming at my parents' house, I want to make a living by distributing videos and playing games that I have longed for since I was a student on a new computer. It seems that he thinks. I look forward to your future success. (Maidona News Special Contract, General Takanori)
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